1. Organización: ODIM
  2. Organización: ODIM
  3. It is estimated that over half of agricultural land in Mexico is degraded, that is, it experiences a loss of fertility (or capacity) to produce food or conserve its vegetation. To combat soil erosion and degradation, the "Program for the Promotion of Sustainable Land Management"(ProTierras)was...
  4. 2020-04-08 我与Tuntun先生走在缅甸乡下的农场,当他自豪地向我展示他所制作并用于果树苗盆栽混合土的生物炭时,我情不自禁地笑了。他现在不再燃烧农场的有机废物,而是将其变为可用于生产更多农作物的宝贵资源,而非通过烟雾将碳排放到大气中。 大约一年前,Tuntun先生在PyinOo参加了一个种子保存讲习班,在其中一个实践操作课上学习如何制作生物炭。他马上回家自己尝试,而且非常成功。Tuntun先生现在甚至主持了一个Facebook专页,与其他讲缅甸语的农民分享耕作技术,讲解生物炭等实践技术
  5. EarthEmpower is a NGO that operates in the United States, Guatemala and Mexicowith the mission to make impact by closing gender gaps and empowering women to lead change.
  6. 2019-11-20 Session :Fresh breadfruit is delicious but the real commercial potential lies with post-harvest products. In this session the array of retail breadfruit products being produced for local and export markets will be discussed. This includes flour, snack bars, pancake mixes, pizelles, tostones,...
  7. 2013-07-20 Chaya is rich in essential nutrients Chaya leaves are an excellent source of a number of essential nutrients for a healthy, balanced diet. In fact, Chaya is more nutritious than many green leafy vegetables such as spinach, Chinese cabbage and amaranth. The leaves are very high in protein,...
  8. Abstract,Acta Botanica Brasilica, 2019 Documenting the uses of native species of Cactaceae in Northeast Brazil contributes to understanding how the inhabitants of this seasonally dry and low-rainfall region have used these resources, considering that some species of this family of Cactaceae are...