资源 标记: Snail Farming
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- 2008-01-01 Il n’existe pas de documentation réellement fiable indiquant quand et où la consommation d’escargots est entrée dans l’alimentation des êtres humains. Dans les régions où l’on trouve des escargots, en particulier dans les régions tropicales et subtropicales comme en Afrique de l’Ouest et en...
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- 这也有其他语言版本:
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- The cost-benefit facts presented here are based on the results of the pilot implementation of snail farming as an income generation activity for 30 Liberian families in Nimba, Grand Gedee and River Gee Counties with the support of the Non-Legally binding instrument (NLBI) project during 2012-2013...
- We do not have any real history were snails eating started from or when people started eating snail. In Liberia, edible snails can be found in the forest, in the swamp and on garbage sites. People gather snails, eat them and sell the remaining as a way to make money. This Farmers level Tech-Note...