1. The exact origin of this crop is not known but it is commonly grown from southern Texas south to Peru. It was named “Siratro” and first hybridized in the early 1960’s.
  2. Tarwi is an erect, annual, cool-seasonnitrogen-fixing plant that grows up to 2.5 m in height. For human consumption, the seeds must be soaked in water for several days to remove bitter alkaloids. The seeds are high in protein, pressed for oil, and fed to livestock. Tarwi is a good green manure or...
  3. Tropical kudzu is a perennial, vigorous, deep-rooted, vining or climbingnitrogen-fixing plantwith vines up to 10 m long. This crop tolerates high water levels (even occasional water logging), grows well in the dry season, and can tolerate acidic soils and shade. It is used as a forage, green...
  4. White lupine is a cool season, nitrogen-fixing, bushyannual plant that grows up to 1.6 m in height and is adapted to higher altitudes in the tropics. It is mainly used for forage, green manure, or cover crops, but non-toxic modern varieties have been developed for human consumption. The beans are...
  5. Detailed descriptions of more than 600 grassland species (common names, genus, and latin names) and a linked picture gallery of photos
  6. Sesbania rostrata is an annual—or short-lived perennial—legume used as a green manure cover crop and fodder species for livestock. Growing to heights of 3 m, S. rostrata is one of the few legumes that produces nodulated stem tissues for further colonization by nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Leaves of...
  7. Lablab purpureus is bean capable of growing in a wide range of climatic conditions and soil types,depending upon the variety chosen. It is widely cultivated throughout the tropics and subtropics and occurs wild in tropical Africa (including Madagascar) and India. The palatability of lablab...
  8. Aeschynomene americana is an annual legume forage crop and green manure cover crop. Considered a “subshrub,” A. americana can reach heights of 1-2 m. Pinnately compound leaves are finely textured, with 25-60 leaflets per leaf. Borne on pubescent stems, leaves reach 7.5 cm in length. Flowers...
  9. Velvet bean is a vigorous, nitrogen-fixing, bushy or vining, annual plant. The vines will climb anything available and can reach 10 m or more in length. Velvet bean is somewhat drought tolerant and is an excellent green manure or cover crop with ability to suppress weeds and provide generous...
  10. Canavalia ensiformis is native to the West Indies and Central America. It closely resembles Sword Bean, C. gladiata, and the predominantly African wild species, C. virosa. C. ensiformis is widely distributed in the tropics and subtropics although it is regarded as a minor vegetable rather than a...