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142 items found (Showing 1 - 10)
  2. 1996-10-19 Technical Note: A Guide for Beginners in Small-Scale Tropical Agriculture,by Dr. Franklin W. Martin The Challenge of Agricultural Missions:Notes from ECHO's staff Book Review:Two Ears of Corn and other World Neighbors Materials Book Review:People in Rural Development Book Review:Partners With...
  3. 1993-07-19 HEDGES FOR RESOURCE-POOR LAND USERS IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES.When weoffered our small Technical Note on living fences in EDN 32-8 I asked whether anyone knew of a wellillustrated and carefully written book on the subject of living fences. Jörg Henninger in Paraguay told us about this book. He...  
  4. 2007-01-20 This book presents the essence of endogenous development, as viewed by partners of the Compas network. Pictures were selected that best convey what is meant by 'development from within'. Compas is an international network that supports initiatives for endogenous development. The partners in the...
  5. 2007-01-20 Since 1998 the Compas programme and its network partners from Latin America, Africa, Asia and Europe have been engaged in inter-cultural dialogues on development approaches with a focus on the South. They have studied the influence of worldviews on material and socio-cultural technological...
  6. 1996-10-19 Summary of Training Opportunities in Agriculture for Missionaries The International Agricultural Research Centers How Do I Begin an Experimental/Demonstration Work? The Small Farm Resource Development Project:A Model for Beginning or Strengthening Your Agricultural Work
  7. 1996-10-19 Video Reviews: Interactive Workshops from World Vision Australia Review: World Vision Australia Publications Review:TogetherMagazine Published by World Vision International Review:Footsteps,A Quarterly Newsletter for Christians in Rural Development) HEART Missionary Training Institute Review:...
  8. Key Resource 2010-07-01 Fish farming can generate high interest and excitement. It has great potential to produce high quality protein in relatively short time periods and in small areas. Fish farming is one way that resource poor farmers throughout the world can provide protein that is often lacking in the family diet...  
  9. ECHO Staff periodically review the books available in the Dugger Living Library on the Florida Campus. Some are noted as 'Key Resources' that are recommended to those seeking to focus on particular subject matter, particularly if they are on campusfor a brief time. ECHO Libraries are not lending...
  10. 2018-04-27 Joel Matthews has often written to us in response to articles in EDN. His comments are always insightful. Now we are glad to share an article by Joel, sharing ways that tools used in cultural anthropology can also be used to facilitate people-centered agricultural development. Joel has worked,...