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Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) is an annual plant in the grass family up to 5 m in height. Grain sorghum is a staple in many hot, dry areas and ranks 5th worldwide among cereal grains. Depending on the variety, sorghum is grown for grain, forage, fuel, fiber, syrup and sugar.  Cleaned grain can be cooked like rice or ground into flour.

  1. El sorgo fue encontrado primero creciendo en Etiopía. Ahora es un alimento diario para 300 millones de personas en África, India, la China, y otras áreas de los trópicos calientes y secos. El sorgo es el cuarto cereal más importante en el mundo especialmente donde cantidades de lluvia y altas...
  2. El sorgo es una planta anual de la familia de las gramíneas de hasta 5 m de altura. Esta variedad de sorgo se distingue por el jugo dulce contenido en la médula blanda del tallo y se cultiva principalmente para obtener jarabe y azúcar. También puede sembrarse para forraje o ensilaje.
  3. General description and special characteristics – A warm-season, short-day annual grass, sorghum is the fourth most important cereal grain grown in the world. Being a C4 photosynthetic pathway plant, sorghum is at an advantage in areas where low rainfall and high temperatures will not produce a...
  4. 19/2/1998 A striga resistant sorghum has been developed. In addition the fungus, Fusarium oxysporum, may help control striga.
  5. Recurso clave 1/1/1994 Sorghum examines the characteristics and cultivation of this important crop in a vairety of different agriculatural conditions and zones.
  6. 20/4/2007 In observation trials, each variety is grown in only one plot of ground. Observations from such trials are not as conclusive as with replication. As long as site conditions are fairly uniform, however, they give the experimenter a pretty good idea of likely “losers” and “winners.”
  7. Dhadke S.G.*, Pawar V.S. and Wanole P.D. Department of Food Process Technology, College of Food Technology, VNMKV, Parbhani (Maharashtra), India Sorghum is a nutritionally dense millet in the grain family that plays a significant part in our daily diet. Sorghum is gluten free and is rich in fiber...

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