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  1. 20/10/2007 El sistema de riego fue utilizado para regar injertos de mango recientemente sembrados. En lugar de regar directamente, se vertió agua en cuatro vasijas de barro cilíndricas instaladas alrededor de la planta.
  2. 19/1/1996 Chapin Watermatics produces “bucket kits” of gravity-run drip irrigation used in vegetable garden projects in developing countries. These kits enable people to produce vegetables with the same efficient use of water that commercial drip systems provide.
  3. 20/4/2012 In the past, we have written about different types of micro irrigation in EDN ; for example, we wrote about using clay pots for irrigation inEDN 97. This is a very good option, but unless pots are made locally, it can be expensive. Graham Knight of BioDesign in the UK has gathered information...
  4. 6/1/2023 El riego por goteo y sus prácticas asociadas permiten a los productores agrícolas suministrar agua a las raíces de los cultivos conforme las necesidades de las plantas. Los técnicos promueven el riego por goteo con el fin de conservar agua, controlar malezas, reducir enfermedades de las plantas y...
  5. A photo-based manual on bucket drip irrigation, produced by Steven Kovach (PhD), in conjunction with a Winrock training event in Guinea.
  6. Creole Document on Drip Irrigation
  7. 2/10/2013
  8. 26/3/2015 This workshop will explored ideas for irrigating vegetable gardens including ideas for homemade irrigation systems as well as factory made irrigation systems. Beth has a B.A in International Agribusiness and is a former ECHO intern who returned to ECHO in 2004 after working for 13 years in...
  9. Wicking beds are a unique and increasingly popular way to grow vegetables. They are self-contained raised beds with built-in reservoirs that supply water from the bottom up – changing how, and how much, you water your beds. In this article, we’ll talk about how wicking beds work and why we love...
  10. Irrigation dates back to roughly 6000 BC, when the waters of the Nile and Tigris-Euphrates were first diverted to feed farmers’ fields. Today, agriculture consumes 70 percent of the world’s freshwater resources, and irrigation is essential for 40 percent of the world’s food production. Because...
  11. The purpose of this manual is to place a practical tool in the hands of potential users and designers for the application of the drip system. Care has been taken to present simple procedures, so that a user not previously familiar with the drip system can make the right decisions based on the...
  12. Water conservation is no longer the concern of just a few isolated, drought-stricken communities in the West. While water may not always be scarce, everywhere in the country, a supply of fresh, clean water is no longer a given. Drip Irrigationis the best book to explain how to water everything in...
  13. Brent is an extension professor of International Horticulture at the University of Kentucky. He has worked for 33 years in small farm extension and research, 15 of which were in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Thailand, and Myanmar. He most recently worked as Agriculture Program Director with the NGO...
  14. Soda Bottle Wick Irrigation |improves upon traditional drip irrigation in several ways. 1) Most of Lima’s soils are sandy and don’t hold water for extended periods. As a result, intermittent watering results in significant water loss; the water drains quickly through the soil before plants can...
  15. Information in this text targets small-scale and large-scale farmers as well as public institutions. Recommendations in this textbook rely on the practical fieldwork and experimental trials done with local communities by the writer working with Church World Service as an extension worker.
  16. Chapin Living Waters exists to help people in developing countries grow vegetables when there is insufficient rain. We offer simple, sustainable technologies for subsistence farming, bringing hope to families and the opportunity to solve their own problems. Chapin Living Waters serves development...
  17. 26/3/2015 There is abundance in the ordinary – that which is often unseen or overlooked – that can be harnessed to change mindsets, resource use, and community benefits. Beth Doerr presents examples, experiences and thoughts that enlighten, challenge and guide communities to discover the abundance in their...
  18. Abstract, Irrigation and Drainage, 2011 The African Market Garden (AMG) is a holistic horticultural production system for small producers based on low‐pressure drip irrigation combined with a crop management package. Over the last 10 years ICRISAT (the International Crops Research Institute for...
  19. Abstract,GlobalWaterForum, 2016 With the objective of modernising smallholder agriculture, several organisations have designed different micro drip irrigation kits for the irrigation of smallholder farms in the developing world. As a promising technology for more efficient water and labour...
  20. The booklet describes a drip irrigation system distributed by Chapin Living Waters Foundation.
  21. Recurso clave 21/8/2009 Most water and sanitation facilities used by households or operated by small-scale enterprises were built without external support. This shows there are alternatives to the large centralized conventional systems. More importantly, small-scale solutions have proven to be cost effective....
  22. Measured irrigation is anirrigation scheduling technique. For conventional drip irrigation systems, the volume of water delivered by a dripperduring the irrigation event depends upon the flow rate. But for measured irrigation the volume of water delivered by a dripperduring the irrigation event...
  23. El riego por goteo es una técnica que permite regar de forma consistente toda la cosecha. Esta técnica es especialmente útil durante la sequía o en la estación seca. Esta técnica se debe utilizar combinada con la de Lechos de cultivo elevados. Es importante ver primera esta otra animación antes...
  24. Abstract,Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 1997 In areas where water is scarce, drip irrigation provides the most efficient way to conserve irrigation water, but its cost of 1000 an acre is prohibitive for most small farmers in developing countries. The cost was reduced by 90...
  25. El riego por goteo es una técnica que permite regar de forma consistente toda la cosecha. Esta técnica es especialmente útil durante la sequía o en la estación seca. Esta técnica se debe utilizar combinada con la de Lechos de cultivo elevados. Es importante ver primera esta otra animación antes...
  26. AccessAgriculture Training Video Grupos de agricultores e individuos en Burkina Faso explican los beneficios y los desafíos de un sistema de riego por goteo a bajo costo, y muestran cómo establecer el sistema. Se incluye una innovación social en el manejo de la materia orgánica. Idiomas...
  27. 1/1/2019 Initially associated with hi-tech irrigated agriculture, drip irrigation is now being used by a much wider range of farmers in emerging and developing countries. This book documents the enthusiasm, spread and use of drip irrigation systems by smallholders but also some disappointments and...
  28. 1/1/2006 Proceedings of a MoARD / MoWR / USAID / IWMI Symposium and Exhibition held at Ghion Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 7-9 March, 2006 The Program addresses key questions such as: what is the reason for limited technology access in terms of agricultural water management? Why promising technologies...
  29. Micro Irrigation Systems Design -: Course Content Developed By :- Dr. K. N. Tiwari Professor Dept. of Agricultural and Food Engg.,IIT Kharagpur Water is one of the most critical inputs for agriculture which consumes more than 80% of the water resources of the country. Availability of adequate...
  30. Today, over 150,000 small farms in Africa, Asia, and South America are proving that drip systems work. Small farmers are growing more food with less water—and making a profit doing it. But many farmers fail. Because it takes more than pipes and well wishes. It takes a comprehensive set of tools....
  31. What are the benefits of Drip Irrigation? Water: Drip irrigation is the most efficient method of watering today. Places a precise amount of water where you need it Prevents overwatering Results in less weeding Conserves water Saves money Time: Installing a drip system will not only save you...

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