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Farmers with limited resources have to deal with annual variations in climate such as drought, floods and catastrophic events. But sustainable practices which enhance resilency can also have a net effect of reducing CO2 in the atmosphere and slowing down global warming.

  1. Recurso clave
    16/4/2013 Agricultores de pequeña escala y trabajadores en desarrollo de agricultura están reportando cambios de clima. Por ejemplo, durante el Taller de Agricultura de ECHO en Asia, 63 asistentes en representación de por lo menos 25 organizaciones de agricultura y desarrollo comunitario de todo Myanmar...
  2. Recurso clave
    28/9/2016 Mucho del contenido a continuación se toma de publicaciones previas de ECHO que están disponibles Las referencias se abrevian como AN (Notas de Asia), EAN (Notas del Este de África), EDN (Notas de Desarrollo de ECHO), y TN (Notas Técnicas). Donde es posible, enlaces de...
  3. Recurso clave
    17/7/2020 ECHO reconoce que el cambio climático es una profunda realidad que los pequeños productores enfrentan. Muchas de nuestras publicaciones se han centrado en ayudar a los productores a hacer frente a los desafíos conexos, como el calor y la sequía. Aumentar la resiliencia de los productores y...
  4. 16/10/2020 Cómo pueden los pequeños productores contribuir a mitigar el cambio climático? Un artículo en EDN 148 describió los principios sobre los cuales se basan las estrategias presentadas en este artículo de seguimiento. La clave de toda estrategia agrícola para hacer frente al cambio climático es el...
  5. Recurso clave
    23/7/2015 El cambio climático tendrá un fuerte impacto sobre las personas más pobres del mundo. Los rendimientos de los cultivos ya han disminuido en el trópico y se proyecta que caigan en un 15-30% para el año 2080 en África, el sur de Asia y en Centroamérica (Hoffman 2013). Algunos países podrían...
  6. 30/4/2015 Este documento saca información del Breve #3 de MEAS Adaptation under the New Normal of Climate Change: The Future of Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services (La Adaptación bajo el Nuevo Normal del Cambio Climático: El Futuro de Servicios de Extensión de Agricultura y Consejeros). Escrito...
  7. Recurso clave 14/6/2013 How to harvest water and nutrients, select drought-tolerant plants, and create natural diversity Because climatic uncertainty has now become "the new normal," many farmers, gardeners and orchard-keepers in North America are desperately seeking ways to adapt their food production to become more...
  8. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #16 During the 2012 ECHO Agriculture Workshop in Yangon, 63 attendees representing at least 25 agriculture and community development organizations from across Myanmar were polled about their observations and opinions related to climate change. The vast majority...
  9. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #26 Mr. Bunlom Taokaew is the son of rice farmers. He chose a career as a businessman after he finished school. Because he didn’t make enough of a living, he went into debt to the order of hundreds of thousands of baht. He borrowed money from his father, a...
  10. Abstract, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems,2020 On-farm diversification is a promising strategy for farmers to adapt to climate change. However, few recommendations exist onhowto diversify farm systems in ways that best fit the agroecological and socioeconomic challenges farmers face....
  11. 15/11/2016 Resilience refers to the capacity for ecological systems to persist and absorb changes. Climate-change resilience encompasses a dual function, to absorb shock as well as to self-renew to cope with new circumstances. Agroforestry offers both mitigation and adaptation strategies for enhancing...
  12. 22/5/2017 This presentation discusses climate change, including impacts specific to agriculture in Nepal, and approaches to mediate its effects.
  13. 1/3/2016 Session: Strategies will be shared to test increase of resilience, for example, a vegetable leather tanning program. The rangelands bordering the western slopes of the Mount Meru are a key ecological corridor and provide for a range of ecosystem services that entirely support the livelihoods of...
  14. 23/5/2017 This presentation on Gree Manure Cover Cropsseeks to answer the question: How do we achieve all of these objectives (profitability, practically, resiliency, reduced reliance on fossil-fuels, sustainability) when land is limited/degraded, inputs are unavailable or unattainable, labor is scarce,...
  15. 1/10/2019 This two part session will give an overview of what regenerative agriculture is, using case studies of the potential for regenerative agriculture to heal ecosystems and sequester carbon, while producing food. A quickly growing movement in both the Global North and the Global South, regenerative...
  16. 1/10/2019 Agroforestry systems are encouraged in farming systems in the developed and the developing countries, due to the multifunctional role of agroforestry in enhancing agronomic productivity, co-production of diversity of food products for balanced nutrition and provision of environmental ecosystem...
  17. 18/11/2014 Climate change will have its worst effects on the world’s poorest people. Perennial crops and agroforestry systems can help reduce the effects of climate change by sequestering carbon, while also helping to address social and environmental challenges through restoration of degraded land,...
  18. Climate-smart agriculture(CSA) is an integrative approach to address these interlinked challenges offood securityandclimate change, that explicitly aims for three objectives: Sustainably increasing agriculturalproductivity, to support equitable increases in farm incomes, food security and...
  19. Abstract,Journal of Earth Science & Climatic Change, 2016 Moringa oleifera is known as “horseradish tree” or “drumstick tree”, native to India, is one of the best useful tree and an enormous amount of benefits in the world. Numerous Research reports have appeared in different national and...
  20. This issue of Tearfund's Footsteps publication looks at some major topics, and considers how all of us can play a role in making our communities, our agriculture and our activities more sustainable. Can the world’s nations come together to solve the massive global issue of climate change? The...
  21. CRiSTAL is aproject-planning toolthat helps users design activities that support climate adaptation (i.e., adaptation to climate variability and change) at the community level. CRiSTAL stands for “Community-basedRiskScreeningTool –Adaptation andLivelihoods.” Community-based – CRiSTAL focuses on...
  22. Abstract: The Action Against Desertification (AAD) project supports eight ACP countries, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Gambia, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Fiji and Haiti in the sustainable management and restoration of degraded land. Baseline assessments have been carried out in each of these countries to...
  23. No single research institution working alone can address the critically important issues of global climate change, agriculture and food security. The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) will address the increasing challenge of global warming and...
  24. Throughout the world, USAID supports land use/ land management activities that have direct, significant and positive impacts on the climate. USAID’s Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) programs help mitigate climate change in 119 countries by absorbing and storing carbon dioxide from...
  25. ScienceDaily, 2018 Penn State An agricultural system that combines trees with crops and livestock on the same plot of land, agroforestry is especially popular in developing countries because it allows small shareholder farmers -- who have little land available to them -- to maximize their...
  26. Abstract, US Dept of Energy, 2010 This guidebook is intended to be a practical tool for use by coastal zone managers in developing countries. The aim is to provide best practice guidance and assist these managers in assessing their evolving adaptation needs and help them to prepare action plans...
  27. A Rocha is active in practical conservation projects around the world. These focus on resolving issues that threaten ecosystems and the diversity of their flora and fauna. Some projects are small-scale and led by volunteers; others are bigger-budget programmes involving whole communities...
  28. Abstract,Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 2015 Dryland areas cover about 41% of the Earth’s surface and sustain over 2 billion inhabitants. Soil carbon (C) in dryland areas is of crucial importance to maintain soil quality and productivity and a range of ecosystem services. Soil...
  29. Floating agriculture is a way of utilising areas which are waterlogged for long periods of time in the production of food. The technology is mainly aimed at adapting to more regular or prolonged flooding. The approach employs beds of rotting vegetation, which act as compost for crop growth. These...
  30. Abstract,African Handbook of Climate Change Adaptation, 2021 Environmental degradation, soil erosion, and desertification are some of the consequences of high rate of traditional biomass fuel use by households in developing countries. The critical issues to raise here are how can these households...
  31. PlantVillage is a research and development unit of Penn State University that empowers smallholder farmers and seeks to lift them out of poverty using cheap, affordable technology and democratizing the access to knowledge that can help them grow more food. The rich countries of the world were...
  32. Frontiers in Climate publishes rigorously peer-reviewed, cutting-edge research on a broad range of topics that cover the applications of scientific advances in climate research, with a focus on mitigation and adaptation in the Anthropocene (in line with SDGs). In light of the Intergovernmental...
  33. Regenerative agriculture is gaining momentum as a solution for providing positive environmental outcomes, while meeting the growing demand for food and fibre. However, there are competing approaches for how to balance the need for and impact of agriculture. One approach, ‘sustainable...
  34. Festus O. Amadu, Paul E. McNamara, Kristin E. Davis, Soil health and grain yield impacts of climate resilient agriculture projects: Evidence from southern Malawi, Agricultural Systems, Volume 193, 2021, 103230, ISSN 0308-521X,...
  35. Data in Climate Resilient Agriculture (DiCRA) is a collaborative digital public good which provides open access to key geospatial datasets pertinent to climate resilient agriculture in India. These datasets are curated and validated through collaborative efforts of hundreds of data scientists and...
  36. At the Alliance, we strive to make food and agriculture systems more sustainable, efficient and inclusive,through sustainably funded science,research-based solutionsand inclusive knowledge generation. OurStrategy 2020-2025 sets out how we work and accelerate impact towards tackling four...
  37. Ma, W., Rahut, D.B. Climate-smart agriculture: adoption, impacts, and implications for sustainable development.Mitig Adapt Strateg Glob Change29, 44 (2024). The 19 papers included in this special issue examined the factors influencing the adoption of...
  38. Zheng, H., Ma, W. & He, Q. Climate-smart agricultural practices for enhanced farm productivity, income, resilience, and greenhouse gas mitigation: a comprehensive review.Mitig Adapt Strateg Glob Change29, 28 (2024). This study reviews the literature...
  39. 26 October 2021 Why do small-scale producers need to adapt to the impacts of climate change? With climate change, the very terms on which agriculture operates are changing. Crop yields are falling, growing seasons are shifting, and less fresh water is available. Extreme weather events like storms...
  40. Forests are a dominant feature of our planet. On geological time scales they have expanded and contracted, but remain a major driver of global cycles of energy and carbon, water and nutrients. In much of the world, forests command deep respect, even reverence for what they provide. Ancient...
  41. 20/1/2017 Climate change presents a profound challenge to food security and sustainable development in Africa. Its negative impacts are likely to be greatest in the African region, which is already food insecure. In the face of global climate change and its emerging challenges and unknowns, it is essential...
  42. 1/1/2021 Plant Adaptation to Global Climate Change discusses the issues of the impact of climate change factors (abiotic and biotic) on vegetation. This book also deals with simulation modeling approaches to understanding the long-term effects of different environmental factors on vegetation. This book is...