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Mushroom cultivation can help reduce vulnerability to poverty and strengthens livelihoods through the generation of a fast yielding and nutritious source of food and a reliable source of income. Since it does not require access to land, mushroom cultivation is a viable and attractive activity for both rural farmers and peri-urban dwellers. Small-scale growing does not include any significant capital investment: mushroom substrate can be prepared from any clean agricultural waste material, and mushrooms can be produced in temporary clean shelters. They can be cultivated on a part-time basis, and require little maintenance. Indirectly, mushroom cultivation also provides opportunities for improving the sustainability of small farming systems through the recycling of organic matter, which can be used as a growing substrate, and then returned to the land as fertilizer.

Through the provision of income and improved nutrition, successful cultivation and trade in mushrooms can strengthen livelihood assets, which can not only reduce vulnerability to shocks, but enhance an individual’s and a community’s capacity to act upon other economic opportunities.

---  FAO

  1. This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 33. Mushrooms such as oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus) are usually grown in plastic bags filled with organic material that may include organic farm wastes. That material must be sterilized (heated to temperatures above 100C) or pasteurized (heated to a...
  2. 20/1/2011
  3. Abstract, Food Science and Food Safety, 2019 Pickling is one of the methods for preserving food. However, this term may refer to both types of products, that is, to those subjected to lactic acid fermentation and to marinated ones (acidified) that are usually produced by the addition of acetic...
  4. Mycosphere is an international peer-reviewed journal with swift publication of high quality papers on fungal biology. Mycospherehas no pageor open access charges and offers a free outlet for the publications of the mycology community.
  5. Abstract, 2016,Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences An edible mushroom, Pleurotus ostreatus (oyster mushroom) has a worldwide cultivation and is popular in Thailand where rubber sawdust is traditionally used in its cultivation. However, rubber sawdust is a relatively expensive substrate that...
  6. Abstract, Wheat straw has generally been used as the main substrate for cultivating oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus); however, in South Africa it is becoming expensive for small-scale farmers to utilise. Therefore, the main objective of the study was to investigate the use of alternative,...
  7. Abstract, 2008,Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems Mushroom is an important vegetable usually grows in the forest with its nutritive and medicinal value. It can also be cultivated domestically in a small scale by landless people. The climate of Bangladesh is highly favourable for high volume...
  8. Abstract, 2017,International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences Mushroom cultivation is a remunerative agribusiness in India and other parts of the world. Being an emerging commercial activity, many startup entrepreneurs are venturing into mushroom cultivation in India. Consumer...
  9. 6/10/2015
  10. 12/5/2015 How to cultivate mushrooms in the tropics, an introduction and overview.
  11. 1/1/1986 In addition to converting organic wastes into edible mushrooms, the spent compost, a byproduct of mushroom cultivation, can be used as organic soil conditionser/fertilizers. The range of possible applications of these technologies in this bulleting entitle "Guide to Mushroom Cultivation in the...
  12. World Mushroom Society is a collective of fungi enthusiasts and health advocates, sharing information and identifying top producers of high quality medicinal mushroom supplements. This website provides information to advocate and educate the integration of medicinal mushrooms into everyday life...
  13. 12/2/2021 El cultivo de hongos puede proveer un ingreso suplementario útil o suministrar proteína suplementaria para la dieta familiar. Usa material tomado de Footsteps 99 la publicación de alfabetización del Fondo TEAR con el permiso amablemente concedido Ilustraciones por MissionAssist Esta edición fue...
  14. Hu Y, Kakumyan P, Bandara AR, Mortimer PE 2021 – The nutrition, cultivation and biotechnology of Stropharia rugosoannulata. Fungal Biotec 1(1), 13–25, Doi 10.5943/FunBiotec/1/1/2 Stropharia rugosoannulata contain polysaccharides, sterols, lectins, flavonoids, vitamins and minerals. Various...
  15. Zurbano, L. Y., Antones, D. A., & Almoradie, C. M. C. (2022). Mycelial growth and basidiocarp production of Pleurotus species in substrates supplemented with fermented plant juice. AGRIVITA Journal of Agricultural Science, 44(3), 391-404. Pleurotus...
  16. The mission ofFrontiers in Fungal Biologyis to bring the different fields of mycology together, with the ultimate goal of publishing research that makes a difference to people’s lives. Fungal biology spans agricultural, medical and applied industrial fields, yet it is a poorly represented...
  17. 1/1/2005 Oyster, Shiitake and Wood Ear Mushrooms This Agrodok contains detailed information on how to grow three kinds of mushrooms: oyster, shiitake and wood ear mushrooms. These mushrooms are rather easy to grow on a small scale. Cultivation of the common white button mushroom and of the rice straw...
  18. The importance and potential of mushroom is well known in many spheres of human life as well as ecosystem functions. Mushroom science has the potential to solve many problems such as quality food demand, environmental pollutions, unemployment and certain ecological issues in an amicable manner to...
  19. A mushroom is defined as “a macrofungus with a distinctive fruiting body which can be either epigeous or hypogeous. The macrofungi have fruiting bodies large enough to be seen with the naked eye and to be picked up by hand” (Chang and Miles, 1992). In a narrow sense, the word mushroom also refers...
  20. AccessAgriculture Training Video Es fácil producir gírgola (champiñón ostra) y se puede ganar bastante dinero. Ya que microbios y mohos crecen fácilmente, hay que seguir buenas prácticas higiénicas en todo momento cuando se produce hongos comestibles. Idiomas disponibles Ateso Bambara Bangla...
  21. Mushrooms are the fruiting bodies of macrofungi. They include both edible/medicinal and poisonous species. However, originally, the word “mushroom” was used for the edible members of macrofungi and “toadstools” for poisonous ones of the “gill” macrofungi. Scientifically the term “toadstool” has...
  22. 20/1/2009 There are hundreds of identified species of fungi which, since time immemorial, have made a significant global contribution to human food and medicine. Some estimate that the total number of useful fungi – defined as having edible and medicinal value – are over 2 300 species. Although this...

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