1. 16/12/2024 Los hafirs captan eficazmente la escorrentía durante la época de lluvias para utilizarla en la época seca. Son de particular utilidad en las tierras áridas, donde la precipitación es errática y los fuentes de agua tradicionales como los ríos y los pozos a menudo no son suficientes.
  2. Recurso clave
    1/1/2011 Una presa de arena es una pared de concreto reforzado construida a través de un río estacional para captar y contener el agua subterránea en la arena. Primero se construye un metro de alto y hasta 90 metros a través. Durante lluvias estacionales erráticas y fuertes, agua y limo fluyen sobre la...
  3. 20/4/2011 A sand dam provides a low-cost, low-tech and low maintenance water point with large payback in easily accessible water year round. Community ownership and involvement is integral in the introduction of a sand dam.
  4. 19/3/1999 En tres programas de Honduras se han buscado maneras en que los agricultores deladeras pobres puedan captar el agua de lluvia en sus propios campos y retenerla allí dos o tres meses. El agua podría posteriormente utilizarse para el riego suplementario durante las sequías o para extender la...
  5. This manual discusses different methods of rain water harvesting - mortar jar, brick jar, and partially below ground tank. Also included are directions for the manufacture of the tank, tank cover and tank pump. ...
  6. 19/10/1995 Capturing water from fogfor household or agricultural use is a promising technology.
  7. AccessAgriculture Training Video En las sabanas semi-áridas donde la lluvia es limitada y sumamente impredecible, el retener más agua en el suelo puede marcar la diferencia entre una cosecha buena y mala. Usted puede disminuir la velocidad del agua de escorrentía al establecer bordes a nivel. Los...
  8. 1/9/2015 This article is from ECHO Asia Note #26 At the beginning of last year, Thailand experienced its most severe drought in twenty years. Only four years ago it also experienced its most severe flooding. Natural disasters are occurring with increasing frequency and severity; it is therefore vital to...
  9. Amanzi For Food site This page is designed to help you find the information you need about any rainwater harvesting and conservation activity or practice that you might be interested in. There are several categories to help you find the tutorials best suited to your farm. Some of them refer to a...
  10. Trench beds are 1m wide and 2m long. They are dug to 1m deep then packed with dry grass/leaves, compost, manure and soil. Used in food-gardens. They make (create) highly fertile soils which can absorb and store water. Provide an immediately usable planting bed even on shallow or poor soils. Often...
  11. 1/9/2015 This article is from ECHO Asia Note #26 At the beginning of last year, Thailand experienced its most severe drought in twenty years. Only four years ago it also experienced its most severe flooding. Natural disasters are occurring with increasing frequency and severity; it is therefore vital to...
  12. 13/11/2018 Many farmers in Honduras' dry corridor have been leaving their farms and migrating to cities due to droughts. Hydrologic design allows improves biological, chemical, and physical conditions in the soil, and increases resilience in farms to climate variability. Erlin Escoto Valladares Erlin Escoto...
  13. Homeowner information about the use of rain barrels, how to set them up and where to obtain the barrels.
  14. Access Agriculture Video Runoff water from roads can give an extra boost to crops during the rainy season, or if it is stored in ponds can be used for irrigating horticultural crops.
  15. Abstract,Environmental Management, 2018 Various soil and water conservation measures (SWC) have been widely implemented to reduce surface runoff in degraded and drought-prone watersheds. But little quantitative study has been done on to what extent such measures can reduce watershed-scale runoff,...
  16. This technology describes a combination of good practices for soil and water conservation that were introduced to coffee farmers in the central cattle corridor of Uganda, with aim to enhance their resilience to dry spells, pests and diseases, as part of the Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA)...
  17. We recognize that poverty in the developing world is multifaceted. For example, saying water security invariably stimulates one to think about the quality of drinking water. This is a serious problem world wide, however, this is not our focus. Spring Rains is targeted at nutritional food...
  18. AccessAgriculture Training Video Las medias lunas tienen la forma de un semi-círculo con las puntas de los diques al mismo nivel. Se hacen de varios tamaños, para ayudar a cosechar agua en áreas semi-áridas. Ayudan a mejorar la fertilidad del suelo cuando se agrega estiércol o compost. Idiomas...
  19. 20/3/2014
  20. 6/3/2014 The HAFIR is an underground reservoir designed for storing rain water.Hafirs are usually constructed where there is enough rainfall and where there is no underground water.It is usually big enough to cater for the needs of the villagers and their live-stock for a whole season.
  21. 9/8/2018 Session: The presentation will elaborate on best practices of harvesting rain water in water scarcity areas. Water harvesting from various surface conditions as a main source of irrigation water for small scale irrigation development at farmer's level. While ponds, dams, and in-situ water...
  22. 17/11/2016 “You must plant the rain before you plant a seed or tree!” proclaimed rain farmer Mr. Zephaniah Phiri Maseko of Zimbabwe. By doing just that, he and his family turned a wasteland into an oasis, raised groundwater and well levels even in dry years, reduced flooding in wet years, and enhanced the...
  23. “You must plant the rain before you plant a seed or tree!” proclaimed rain farmer Mr. Zephaniah Phiri Maseko of Zimbabwe. By doing just that, he and his family turned a wasteland into an oasis, raised groundwater and well levels even in dry years, reduced flooding in wet years, and enhanced the...
  24. 1/1/2006 This booklet explains how to collect, store and purify rainwater for direct use at household level. It is a practical guide to creating a rainwater harvesting infrastructure from design to implementation that is illustrated with picutres, tables and examples from RAIN's experience. 84 pages,...
  25. The report examines the relationships between agricultural policies in the North China Plain, the approaches to water management that evolved from them, the quanity of water that was actually used, and the consquent groundwater depletion beneath Luancheng County, Hebei Provice, from 1949-2000.
  26. 1/1/1992 Spanish Language
  27. "I started writing theRainwater Harvesting for Drylandsand Beyondseries with the goal of empowering my clients and my community to make positive change in their own lives and yards, by harvesting and enhancing free on-site resources such as water, sun, wind, shade, and more. I wanted to provide...
  28. Recurso clave 1/1/2010 2 Copies Turn water scarcity into water abundance! Earthworks are one of the easiest, least expensive, and most effective ways of passively harvesting and conserving multiple sources of water in the soil. Associated vegetation then pumps the harvested water back out in the form of beauty, food,...
  29. This book emphasizes the importance of social, economic, and environmental considerations when planning and implementing projects. For rural development workers, it aims to fill the gap in existing literature on the gathering and storage of water.
  30. Recurso clave 1/1/1997 Thiscomprehensiveandwell-illustrated presentation of India’s ancient water-harvesting systems highlights their potential for contributing to contemporary India’s development, especially with regard to irrigation and drinking water supply. It explains how the water-harvesting systems used in rural...
  31. This manual presents methods suitable mainly for singular building/establishment level-residences, institutions and industries. The scope of water harvesting can be extended to a locality/community level by incorporating various such singular units into a group.
  32. The final goal of this publication is to rovide a realistic structure within which Peace Corps can begin to assist lesser developed countries in the development and managment of their natural freshwater fish resources.
  33. Abstract, Water, 2016 June Northeastern Mexico is a semiarid region with water scarcity and a strong pressure on water sources caused by the rapid increase of population and industrialization. In this region, rainwater harvesting alone is not enough to meet water supply demands due to the...
  34. Recurso clave 1/1/1999 This book provides a state-of-the-art review of practice in the collection of rainwater. It presents case studies with numerous examples from around the world which will help anyone intending to design or construct a rainwater catchment system. The prime focus of the book is on implementation of...
  35. This booklet was developed as a training aid for use in irrigation workshops conducted for small farmers and technicians in the Peruvian highlands through USAID. Much of the agriculture there takes place on stepp slopes, shallow soils and small farm plots. Irrigation extension personnel found the...
  36. 1/1/2013 This publicationon “Water Harvesting – Guidelines to Good Practice”was mandated by IFAD, prepared by WOCAT in collaboration with MetaMeta and RAIN and funded by SDC and IFAD. Find out more about theproject "Water Harvesting". Water security is a prerequisite to achieve food security. Water...
  37. 20/1/2003 The water harvesting techniques described are particularly useful in arid and sem-arid areas, but the techniques described for soil moisture conservation are also of use in sub-humid regions.2 Copies of FIrst Edition, 1 Copy of 2nd Edition
  38. Recurso clave 1/1/2013 The award-winningRainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond, Volume 1, 2nd Edition: Guiding Principles to Welcome Rain into Your Life and Landscape, is the first book in a three-volume guide that teaches you how to conceptualize, design, and implement sustainable water-harvesting systems for...
  39. 20/10/2018 Poverty and food insecurity plague many countries in sub-Saharan Africa; this includes Uganda. To increase farmer’s adaptive capacity and to increase their resilience to climate change and variability, in situ rainwater harvesting technologies and practices were promoted in the greater Masaka...
  40. Recurso clave 1/3/1992 Water is everywhere - its physics and chemistry, rain, evaporation, infiltration, underground, the intimate relationship between life and water, and other natural phenomena. Its effects and applications need to be understood: run-off, erosion, soil drainage and irrigation. These comprise the main...
  41. 1/1/2007 This 8-page fold-out leaflet, practical for use in the field and easy to read, covers the subject of rainwater harvesting. It gives some background to the subject, outlines processes and provides tips, tables and explanatory line drawings.
  42. AccessAgriculture Training Video Las líneas de piedra forman terrazas de manera natural a medida que captan sedimentos. También se construyen para rehabilitar tierras erosionadas. Los agricultores en Kenia muestran cómo construyen líneas de piedra. Idiomas disponibles Español Francés Inglés...
  43. Abstract,International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies, 2020 The scope of this paper is to review different types of sustainable water harvesting methods from the atmospheric fogs and dew. In this paper, we report upon the water collection performance of various fog collectors around the...
  44. AccessAgriculture Training Video Las líneas o diques de piedra pueden bajar la velocidad de la escorrentía, mejorar la infiltración de agua y formar la base para una producción mejorada en áreas semi-áridas. Se puede cosechar agua de las laderas poco inclinadas para producir cultivos aún en años...
  45. The Utooni Development Group’s success at supplying water for itself did not immediately lead to repetition. That came with time and many meetings to understand the dynamics of change in the communities. The reality is that the social context of a community, how people relate to each other, to...
  46. Whether you’re experiencing Drought, Flood, or Fire, Extreme Weather, Water Scarcity, or Ecosystem Collapse - this is the place to transform your concerns into actions. We created Water Stories to empower you to revive landscapes and provide space to connect with communities taking action for a...
  47. 19/8/1986 Water harvesting Indigenous knowledge Dryland management - take a fresh look at local traditions Water and soil conservation by farmers in Burkina Faso Runoff farming in Tunisia Water harvesting in Kenya Water harvesting techniques Herders associations - Niger
  48. Rainwater Catchment Systems are the primary source of drinking water in the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI), the Republic of Palau, and the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM). Sixtynine percent of the population of RMI, 67% of the population of Palau, and 49% of the population of FSM...
  49. The “Harvesting the Heavens: Guidelines for Rainwater Harvesting in Pacific Island Countries” were developed as part of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) demonstration project on “Empowering Women in Rainwater Harvesting” funded by the Government of Sweden through their development...
  50. 1/1/2020 The purpose of this book is to assist the reader in choosing the best method for providing clean water in a developing country. Various approaches are clearly described, and case studies provided, to illustrate the importance of matching need and method when resources are limited. John Dracup in...