1. 20/1/2013 Las misiones de Iglesias y otras pequeñas organizaciones no gubernamentales pueden responder a los intereses de las comunidades y pueden promover un modelo sostenible de vacunación rural de aves de corral – algunas veces de manera más efectiva que el gobierno distrital o local solo. ¿En qué...
  2. 20/10/2010 Many in ECHO’s network have taken on the responsibility of establishing an agricultural development project in a country far from home and mostly unfamiliar. Often they and others involved in agricultural development wish for a better understanding of local weather and climate patterns so that...
  3. 20/1/2010 To answer questions about rights to resources in your community, you need to understand the ways people claim and own resources in your region. Ownership defines who can do what with different resources. Four questions that need to be answered.
  4. 1/4/2010 Existen muchos factores que complican el trabajo agrícola, la salud de la familia y la nutrición cuando uno o más miembros de la familia son VIH positivas o tienen entre ellos un caso de SIDA. Esta comunidad más amplia es conocida como Personas que viven con el VIH/SIDA (PLWHA por sus siglas en...
  5. 19/3/1993 During the course of each year a number of individuals working in community development spend some days studying and planning at ECHO. In reality their felt need is not so much for a bit more knowledge (study), but for a project plan for how they are going to help local farmers. A number of such...
  6. 28/10/2014
  7. As development practitioners, researchers, and changemakers we are confronted by situations in which armed conflict has torn apart the physical and social structures of societies. Smallholder farmers are deeply impacted and often take part in these conflicts. Rebuilding small holder agriculture...
  8. 27/4/2018 Joel Matthews nos ha escrito a menudo dando respuesta a artículos publicados en EDN. Sus comentarios siempre son profundos. Hoy nos complace compartir con ustedes un artículo de Joel en el cual comparte las formas en que herramientas que se usan en la antropología cultural pueden usarse también...
  9. This Agricultural Transformation video is a teaching resource within USAID's Food Security and Agriculture Core Course, which incorportates USAID's focus for food security and agriculture development under the Global Food Security Strategy and expanding work in nutrition and resilience.