1. Breakout Session, ECHO Appropriate Technology Virtual Fair, September 3, 2020 Hosted by Stacy Swartz, Research & Publications Associate, ECHO Florida
  2. Plenary, ECHO Appropriate Technology Virtual Fair, September 3, 2020 Erwin Kinsey and Harold Msanya, ECHO East Africa Design is a creative process in which everyone can engage meaningfully in addressing community-level problems. Solutions are better when the design process is inclusive and when...
  3. El desarrollo de capacidades creativas sugiere que los principios subyacentes de la cocreación y el crowdsourcing, que normalmente se aplican al desarrollo de software informático, la gestión empresarial o el diseño de productos de alta gama, también pueden ser relevantes para las innovaciones...
  4. 11/7/2017 A recent Creative Livelihood Challenge (CLC) training was conducted with 15 students from Arusha Technical College and 15 Creative Capacity Building innovators. This type of training was developed and facilitated by Elizabeth Reece – an Australian volunteer who is based at Twendein Tanzania. CLC...