20/7/2011 We share many ideas in EDN for agricultural techniques that can increase crop production. Higher production translates into more food and potentially more income; this is very important, especially for farmers whose livelihood comes from a small piece of land.Another way to increase food supply...
20/1/2013 Los pollos de patio pueden encontrarse en todos los países en desarrollo y desempeñan un papel vital en muchos hogares rurales pobres. Proporcionan la escasa proteína animal en forma de carne y huevos y pueden venderse o cambiarse para llenar necesidades esenciales de la familia como medicinas,...
8/2/2017 Soil degradation and rapid change are faced across Africa, and require attention to both old and new technologies. Over two decades of action research with farmers in Malawi has shown that smallholder food production and nutrition can be improved through biological principles and targeted use of...
20/1/2013 Las misiones de Iglesias y otras pequeñas organizaciones no gubernamentales pueden responder a los intereses de las comunidades y pueden promover un modelo sostenible de vacunación rural de aves de corral – algunas veces de manera más efectiva que el gobierno distrital o local solo. ¿En qué...
20/10/2011 An important part of ECHO’s ministry is sharing information about underutilized plants. Many of the seeds in our seed bank are for crops that have not been heavily researched, but that have been found to grow well under challenging conditions and that are already important to people in some...
8/2/2017 The session will focus on highlighting and sharing with the participants the lessons learned from implementing two food security programs promoting CA principles in Central Kenya in the last 4-5 years. Even though we are starting to see positive results and identifying future potential of farmers...
9/2/2017 Root crops are not often used in conservation agriculture. This session describes their use and best practices. Presenter : Stephen Lutz is Program Consultant for World Renew in Kenya for the past 12 years, and advises three local established church partners throughout Kenya, managing...
The desire to transform smallholder farming to feed the increasing hungry people, burgeoning population, and adaptation and mitigation to climate change is high. There is an obvious realization that it is smallholder farming and rain-fed for that matter that holds the promise to feed the hungry...
Soil degradation and rapid change are faced across Africa, and require attention to both old and new technologies. Over two decades of action research with farmers in Malawi has shown that smallholder food production and nutrition can be improved through biological principles and targeted use of...
The presentation discusses gender in food security programs. The presentation shall focus issues of access and control and impact on food security. The break out session will conduct an analysis of gender in agriculture program and how to address gender gaps that promote continuous women...