1/4/2010 Las personas serán recompensadas si se convierten intencionalmente en ramoneadores. Al comer una amplia variedad de alimentos es más probable que consumamos una cantidad diaria suficiente para que gocemos de buena salud. En contraste, las culturas que por ejemplo consumen principalmente arroz o...
20/7/2003 En respuesta a los artículos sobre concentrado de proteína de hoja y sobre la chaya en la Edición 78 de EDN, un lector preguntó si el concentrado de proteína de hoja (LPC por sus siglas en inglés) podría o no podría obtenerse en forma segura de la chaya.
20/4/2007 When a person has been infected with HIV but still has no symptoms of AIDS, the basic metabolic rate (energy requirement) increases and requires 10% more calories each day just to maintain the hidden fight that keeps the virus under control.
1/4/2009 In many developing countries, there is no or little governmental regulation of and inspection for aflatoxin in foods and feeds. Even if there is governmental control in food processing, there is no oversight of food sold in markets or consumed right on the farm. The result is that humans are...
20/7/2005 “Gray water” (also “grey water,” “graywater” or “greywater”) is the term used to describe wastewater from dish washing, laundry, bathing, and rinsing. (Note: the term gray water does not refer to toilet waste, which is often called “black water.”) Although gray water does not need extensive...
20/7/2003 En el artículo acerca del té de hoja de papaya que fue publicado en EDN Número 77, no mencionamos la posibilidad de que la ingestión en forma regular del té podría tener efectos colaterales (debido a que no habíamos oído de ninguno). Desde que publicamos ese artículo, nos hemos enterado de...
20/7/2005 The University of Zimbabwe (2002) studied the presence of aflatoxin in peanut butter. Among four different methods of processing (traditional, hand, motorized, commercial) traditional methods consistently had the lowest concentrations and commercial processors consistently had the highest...
20/1/2006 Solar Disinfection of Water (SODIS) is a way to disinfect water by using ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun to destroy harmful microorganisms.
1/1/2008 Grass pea (Lathyrus sativus) is a drought tolerant legume used as forage for livestock or as food for people (seeds are roasted, cooked into porridge or ground for use in bread). The plant thrives in poor soil, drought or flooding.
20/1/2009 Porridges are made by boiling traditional starchy foods such as cornmeal, rice, oatmeal, potato, or ground sorghum in water. However, it can be difficult for infants to swallow. Enzymes in malted barley flour (germinated barley seeds that have been carefully dried and ground into a powder) can...