1. The Rocket Stove is an amazing development in fuel efficient cooking. Made with clay and organic material (like rice hulls or sawdust) this inexpensive stove can cook meals with small sticks and eliminate the need for expensive charcoal. The Rocket Stove’s insulated chimney burns wood gases,...
  2. WUQU’ KAWOQ - The Maya Health Alliance – ofrece soluciones innovadoras a problemas de salud persistentes en las comunidades pobres, desatendidas e indígenas de Guatemala. Maya Health Alliance representa una mezcla única de experiencia médica a nivel mundial, conocimiento de la cultura local,...
  3. CTA promotes the adoption and dissemination of sound practices in the domains of participatory spatial information management and communication otherwise known as PGIS. This site provides an updated account of completed and ongoing initiatives.
  4. 27/10/2017 Presenters will include UNA professors and members of the Guardianes de la Semilla seed network. Subjects include: production, drying and storage techniques for seed banks from the Echo Community literature and planning a family garden. The field school will include access to seed from several...
  5. Agricultural production in the Caribbean is constrained by limited access to up-to-date, local information. However, recent ICT developments in the region have created e-solutions to these challenges, improving crop production and reducing pests and diseases as well as post-harvest losses.
  6. In this short video we expose a little bit of the beauty and wealth of Guatemala as a Megadiverse country, and present Chaya as an ancient superfood to combat malnutrition today.
  7. 20/11/2019 La chaya es muy nutritiva, una porción de 100 gramos (como 50 a 60 hojas frescas) tiene: Proteína: Tiene la misma cantidad de proteína que unhuevo. La proteína es importante para el desarrollo de los músculos. Hierro: Tiene dos veces más hierro que una porción deespinaca. El hierro enriquece la...
  8. En este volumen se estudian 65 cultivos, en su mayor parte de origen americano, que, debido a razones de índole social, agronómica o biológica, han perdido importancia a lo largo de los últimos 500 arios. Algunos de ellos han quedado marginados respecto a su función original o a su potencial;...
  9. The mission of Caribbean Harvest is to use modern aquacultural technology tocreate a domestic fishing industry for Haitiand gain nutritional benefits for all Haitians. Production from our fish farms will serve both the domestic and export markets. Caribbean Harvest is a Haitian Charitable...