1. 20/1/2010 To answer questions about rights to resources in your community, you need to understand the ways people claim and own resources in your region. Ownership defines who can do what with different resources. Four questions that need to be answered.
  2. 30/8/2013 Rural poverty remains widespread and persistent in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. A group of leading experts critically examines the impact of land tenure reforms on poverty reduction and natural resource management in countries in Africa and Asia with highly diverse historical contexts.
  3. 12/11/2013 Barely two centuries ago, most of the world's productive land still belonged either communally to traditional societies or to the higher powers of monarch or church. But that pattern, and the ways of life that went with it, were consigned to history by, Andro Linklater persuasively argues, the...
  4. Los derechos de propiedad existen en muchos niveles sociales diferentes (individual, nuclear o familia extendida, clan o tribu, grupo más grande, etc.) y en diferentes niveles de “formalidad” o estado oficial. Por ejemplo, una propiedad urbana puede tener un propietario individual y un título...