1. 1/6/2020 Este libro contiene consejos útiles para los agricultores que enfrentan el cambio climático y otros problemas prácticos. Enumera otros Shell Books que brindan información más detallada para cada tema cubierto. Usa material tomado deFootstepsla publicación de alfabetización del Fondo TEAR con el...
  2. A sack garden is a small vegetable mound made from a nylon or similar sack. Please check the Kilimohai website for the latest additions to resources.
  3. Abstract,International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), 2019 The present study aimed at analysis of a sustainable technique of framing, thus economizing the land area through management of space, and also increasing the farming output, improved management of...
  4. A garden in a tall sack is a simple home project and a good solution for city homes that don’t have much outdoor space. We made one for the first time in a couple of hours, leaned it against the side of a house and planted it with hot peppers, basil and sweet potatoes. Sack gardens can work in...
  5. Abstract, Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 2013 As many countries in sub-Saharan Africa undergo rapid urbanization, a growing number of people are joining the ranks of the urban poor. Urban agriculture is a livelihood strategy used by the poorto improve their...
  6. AccessAgriculture Training Video El mejor compost para una maceta de saco es el que se hace con gallinaza y restos de plantas. Si usa este compost, la maceta de saco producirá muchas verduras por mucho tiempo. Idiomas disponibles Bambara Bangla Chichewa / Nyanja Español Francés Inglés Luganda...