Abstract, Parkinsons Disease, 2019 This review contains a critical appraisal of current knowledge about the use of beans in both animal models and patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). The potential beneficial effects of beans in PD are increasingly being touted, not only in scientific journals...
This manual discusses in detail the state of art and technology of processing soybean into various edible forms and also indicates the prospects for soybean foods for human consumption.
20/7/2006 Al tratar de ayudar a las familias y comunidades privadas económicamente a iniciar y sostener la producción del frijolde soya o de cualquier otro nuevo cultivo deben tomarse en cuenta varias consideraciones técnicas. La asistencia técnica no puede hacerse en aislamiento, uno debe proporcionar más...
20/7/2006 En EDN Número 80 (julio de 2003), solicitamos retroalimentación de nuestra red sobre el cultivo del frijol de soya en los trópicos.Escuchamos comentarios de muchas personas al respecto y nos gustaría compartir sus respuestas.
1/1/2007 This paper describes a project was initiated to test new soybeans breeding lines. These lines were evaluated to determine performance, and farmer acceptance. Proceedings of the Second National Soybean Stakeholders Workshop
Soya is a legume with many good qualities, and it can be used to improve farming systems. It can also be processed into products that contriubte to the daily diet and to family income. This Agrodok is intended to help farmers and extension workers to make choices that will work well under local...
The reports presented in this publication review the progress of soybean research in seven Asian countries and four International Agricultural Research Centers. The major problem areas and difficultires involved in solving them are also presented by the authors.
1/1/1984 This volume consists of full length manuscripts of 159 of the 165 invited papers presented at World Soybean Research Conference III that was held in the Scheman Continuing Education Building at Iowa State University.