1/1/2000 The Square Foot Gardening Foundation has a brand new program aimed at developing countries. It's a self-help, grass roots operation that trains others how to have a very productive garden in a very small space.
Proper management of trees and forests is necessary to make resources sustainable. Treesor rather: woody plants in general play an important part in traditional farming systems in the tropics, not just as food and cash crops but also as suppliers of fuelwood and fodder. Farmers are also aware of...
The aims of this book is to show just how rewarding our green inheritance is to mankind-to demonstrate the wonder and worth of plants, and their great potential, to explain why they cannot take any more punishment, and to point out how those that remain can be saved.
This compendium is a list of names, synonyms, altitudinal limits, propagation methods, pests, diseases, edible parts, food values of food plants of Papua New Guinea.
1/1/2004 Orginally published in French, this English translation has colored pictures along with descriptions of individual trees, shrubs and lianas of West African dry zones..
Expertly researched and photographed, this guide offers an excellent reference book for anyone interested in the Florida landscape. 274 color photos of Florida's more popular turfgrass, bedding plants, perennials, groundcovers, palms, shrubs, trees, vines and interior foliage. Each plant has the...
1/1/1999 Hummert's Helpful Hints is a handy reference to the formulas, calculations and tables that give equivalencies, parts per million, measurements of pH, soluble salt and geometric areas. Also covers fertilizers, irrigation, light and lighting, plant structures & more. 35 pages, illustrated
1/1/1987 A personal and highly original take on the history of six commercial plants,Seeds of Changeilluminates how sugar, tea, cotton, the potato, and quinine, have shaped our past. In this fascinating account, the impassioned Henry Hobhouse explains the consequences of these plants with attention–...
1/1/1987 A portable dictionary of the vascular plants utilizing Kubitzki's "The families and genera of vascular plants" (1990-), Cronquist's An integrated system of classification of flowering plants (1981), and current botanical literature. 858 pages
1/1/1972 The aim of this book is to bring together gleanings of information from an immense and scattered field related to useful plants. The book provides a "bird's eye view" of plant-man interdependency, and makes one aware of how fundamental plants are for man and his society. 657 pages, illustrated,...