Santé des plantes
Le vieil adage ‘ Vous ne pouvez ’ pas résoudre un problème si vous ’ ne savez pas que vous en avez un ’ sous-tend la science fondamentale du diagnostic des maladies des plantes et des carences en nutriments. Pendant des années, les agriculteurs et les scientifiques ont travaillé ensemble pour identifier un ensemble d'indices visuels qui peuvent être utilisés pour déterminer/identifier les maladies et les carences en nutriments dans une variété de cultures agronomiques. Ces indices et symptômes peuvent être extrêmement utiles, surtout lorsque les méthodes d'analyse du sol et des tissus végétaux ne sont ni réalisables ni disponibles.
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- This group pageexists so that individuals involved in Plant Healtharound the world can connect. We encourage you to share the challenges you face in your endeavors, discuss lessons and techniques learned through your experiences, and share your story!
- Abstract, International Journal of Economic Plants, 2019 The crown rot disease was recorded for the first time on strawberry Field from Hill Millet Research Station, Waghai, Gujarat state of India during 2017-2018. The diseased plants showed drying from the edge of the leaves. Dark lesion appears...
- Abstract -Journal of Plant Nutrition, 2006 On-farm studies were conducted during 2002–2004 to determine fertility status, including sulfur (S) and micronutrients, and crop response to fertilization on farmers’ fields in the semi-arid zone of India. Nine hundred-twenty four soil samples taken from...
- Critical Reviews in Plant Sciencesfocuses on presenting in-depth and up-to-date reviews of timely and/or cutting-edge subjects in the broad discipline of plant science, ranging from molecular biology/biochemistry through the areas of cell biology, plant pathology and physiology, genetics,...
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- Abstract, There are various ways in which plant nutrient supply or concentration affects plant diseases and pests. The supply of nutrients changes the resistance of plants to pathogens and pests by altering growth and tissue composition (e.g., concentration of soluble compounds or defence...
- In the preceding section on identifying plant health problems (, we explained how to first identify problems related to environmental factors or caused by insects. In this section, we will concentrate on diagnosing plant diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms,...
- Unsafe food threatens public health and undermines food security at local, regional and global levels. The benefits of extensive development activities targeting food insecurity are drained away when food products are contaminated. Microbial and chemical contaminants are of particular concern, as...