L'agroécologie est une discipline scientifique, un ensemble de pratiques et un mouvement social. En tant que science, elle étudie comment les différentes composantes de l'agroécosystème interagissent. En tant qu'ensemble de pratiques, il recherche des systèmes agricoles durables qui optimisent et stabilisent les rendements. En tant que mouvement social, il poursuit des rôles multifonctionnels pour l'agriculture, promeut la justice sociale, nourrit l'identité et la culture et renforce la viabilité économique des zones rurales. Les agriculteurs familiaux sont les personnes qui détiennent les outils pour pratiquer l'agroécologie. Ils sont les véritables gardiens des connaissances et de la sagesse nécessaires à ce programme. Par conséquent, les agriculteurs familiaux du monde entier sont les éléments clés pour produire de la nourriture de manière agroécologique. ---FAO Agroécologie & Agriculture familiale
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- Maintenance of biological diversity and nutrient cycling mechanisms are global principles that are common to all agroecosystems and therefore essential in the design of sustainable agricultural systems. Regional or site-specific factors include climate, soils and socio-economic preferences and...
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- Agroecology - the application of the science of ecology to agricultural systems - is increasingly recognized as the way forward for agriculture. Further, agroecology is more than a science, it is also a practice and a movement. Conceived in this manner, the knowledge of farmers takes center...
- Abstract,Basic and Applied Ecology, 2019 Agroecosystems represent a large geographical footprint in most terrestrial landscapes, and management decisions within these systems affect their function in species conservation. We evaluated the effects that rangeland management systems (based on...
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- Agrobiodiversity is the foundation of sustainable agricultural development. It includes the diversity of plants, animals, fish, trees and microbes that are used directly or indirectly for food and agriculture. The human race could not survive without access to this diversity, which enables plant...
- Abstract, Researchgate, 2019 Biodiversity and agriculture are strongly interrelated to each other, the conservation of plant and animal genetic resources plays a crucial role in India’s food, nutritional and livelihood security. India is considered to be a centre of origin of rice, brinjal,...
- Abstract, Asian Biotechnology and Development Review, 2016 Changes in Earth’s climate at the end of the last ice age brought about seasonal conditions that favoured the cultivation of annual plants like wild cereals, helping to launch the agricultural revolution. Earth’s climate is changing...
- This booklet aims to provide you, as people leading and supporting the move to Agroecology in Africa, with lessons from the valuable experiences of the APCNF programme. We have included helpful inputs, discussions and conclusions from the 15 online sessions held over 2021/2022. You will also find...
- Natural Farming has no strict rules, only principles to guide you as you learn to become a better natural farmer. Natural Farming is not only about replacing chemical inputs with organic inputs but also about creating a farming system that is in tune with the way Nature operates.
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