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Seeds naturally have a place in almost any endeavor having to do with agricultural development. Seeds represent the promise of a continued supply of food, nutrition, and ecosystem improvement for farmers. Seed sovereignty and access are vital to farm survival. Distributing improperly stored seeds that germinate poorly exposes farmers and communities to the risk of crop failure and culture and heritage loss. ECHO's informational and training resources focus on low-cost methods and appropriate technologies for multiplying, processing, and storing seeds of crops selected for their potential to succeed in local contexts. ECHO's resources and training focus on appropriate seed saving techniques including

  • seed selection
  • seed multiplication
  • maintaining seed purity
  • seed drying
  • seed storage basics

If you are interested in resources on seed storage and banking please see our seed banking collection



  1. Ressource principale
    01/06/2010 Seeds naturally have a place in almost any endeavor having to do with agricultural development. Seeds of most food plants are small and, as such, are more easily transported and can be shipped longer distances than vegetative cuttings. For the farmer, seeds represent the promise of a continued...
  2. The ECHO Asia Impact Center is staffed by the most dedicated and hardworking people! We would like to introduce you to our partner in Myanmar, the Kahelu Center! This partner has done a tremendous job developing an excellent seed banking facility. It is the desire of ECHO Asia to partner with...
  3. 20/01/2006 Seeds conserved in genebanks are a vital and irreplaceable resource for safeguarding future agricultural options. The capacity of genebank staff to apply good standards for seed handling is hence of critical importance. This is the standard reference for genebank work and one of the few sources...
  4. 17/07/2017 La protection de la viabilité des semences pendant la conservation peut être une tâche difficile dans les régions tropicales, qui ont souvent des températures élevées et une forte humidité relative. En mai 2017, ECHO a organisé un atelier sur la conservation des semences dans notre Ferme mondiale...
  5. 05/08/2018
  6. The Community Seed Network’s mission is to support community-led seed stewardship by offering a platform to connect people to projects, projects to each other, and everyone to seed. Through great conversations and the sharing of resources, we hope to make this work visible locally, regionally,...
  7. 04/10/2019 How do you teach and equip an audience ofrural farmers, development workers, or seasoned professors, or all threeaudiences at the same time about saving seeds? Come learn and share tips and tools in training diverse audiencesabout the basics of seed saving and seed banking.
  8. 20/01/2007 Seed saving is surprisingly easy with some vegetables, possible but somewhat difficult for others, and almost impossible for still other vegetable crops. It would help to know what the issues are; some basic techniques for seed saving; and which vegetables are easy and which are more difficult.
  9. This video was provided by Tanzania Organic Agriculture Movement (TOAM) to tell the story of seed independence. Swahili with English Subtitles
  10. 04/10/2019 The more than 7000 islands that comprise the Philippine archipelago is vastly rich in natural resources and is considered one of only 17 mega-biodiverse regions in the world. Diversity is a recurring theme in these islands as the people speak more than 130 different languages, sublanguages and...
  11. 26/04/2019 Lors de la conférence internationale sur l'agriculture organisée par ECHO en 2014, Dr Laura Meitzner Yoder a donné une conférence plénière intitulée «Cultiver des liens: tirer des enseignements des systèmes de semences locaux, et encourager l'échange de semences au sein de la communauté.» La...
  12. 19/07/1997 Savingseed is a problem for farmers in hot, humid climates. It is even more of a problem for community, mission, or government seedbanks that must preserve seed for long time periods in remote locations without refrigeration. We believe the work of Dr. D. K. Pandey in India may be a breakthrough...
  13. 20/09/2018 As an organization that seeks to equip people with agricultural resources and skills, we often find ourselves coming back to the seed. Again and again we witness the value of saving open-pollinated seeds, shedding light on locally adapted and underutilized plants of merit, and researching...
  14. 06/01/2023 La détérioration du grain stocké est un obstacle majeur pour les petits exploitants agricoles du monde entier. Cet article s’appuie sur l’expertise du Dr Floyd Dowell (un ingénieur agricole retraité du Centre de recherche sur les céréales et la santé animale de l’USDA) et met en évidence...
  15. 13/07/2023 Cet article résume les recherches de ECHO publiées dans Experimental Agriculture par Trail et al. (2022). De nombreux petits exploitants agricoles dans les tropiques n’ont pas d’électricité ou n’ont pas accès à des équipements pour le stockage des semences à température contrôlée. Il existe...
  16. Le World Vegetable Center (centre international sur la recherche des légumes), comme son nom l'indique, met l’accent sur les légumes pour réduire la pauvreté et la malnutrition. Leur site web présente de nombreuses ressources utiles et des publications. Parmi elles sont des vidéos sur la façon de...
  17. Knowing the correct procedure for saving seed is a valuable skill for small-scale vegetable farmers. Saving seed allows farmers to: save money on inputs maintain local landraces and varieties build a local source of seed in areas lacking access to seed distributors exchange seed with fellow...
  18. Knowing the correct procedure for saving seed is a valuable skill for small-scale vegetable farmers. Saving seed allows farmers to: save money on inputs maintain local landraces and varieties build a local source of seed in areas lacking access to seed distributors exchange seed with fellow...
  19. Knowing the correct procedure for saving seed is a valuable skill for small-scale vegetable farmers. Saving seed allows farmers to: save money on inputs maintain local landraces and varieties build a local source of seed in areas lacking access to seed distributors exchange seed with fellow...
  20. Knowing the correct procedure for saving seed is a valuable skill for small-scale vegetable farmers. Saving seed allows farmers to: save money on inputs maintain local landraces and varieties build a local source of seed in areas lacking access to seed distributors exchange seed with fellow...
  21. Knowing the correct procedure for saving seed is a valuable skill for small-scale vegetable farmers. Saving seed allows farmers to: save money on inputs maintain local landraces and varieties build a local source of seed in areas lacking access to seed distributors exchange seed with fellow...
  22. 20/03/2013 This article is from ECHO Asia Note #16 Since 2011, ECHO Asia has developed and facilitated seed exchange events during meetings with local partners. Through conversations with farmers and NGO staff, we have gained better insight about locally-important plant varieties, seed saving practices,...
  23. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #28 For both farmers and researchers in the tropics, seed saving can be very frustrating. In Mondulkiri province, farmers are rarely able to keep seed for more than the six months between harvest and the new planting season. Seeds stored longer than this tend...
  24. Global Seed Savers is an educational and advocacy international non-profit organization supporting smallholder farmers in creating local food sovereignty and fostering a healthy environment through technical training and the establishment of community-owned and operated seed libraries.
  25. Seed Savers Exchange Heritage Farm Join Chris Smith, Ira Wallace, Melissa DeSa, and Norah Hummel to learn more about the collaborative Heirloom Collard Project! The Heirloom Collard Project aims to build a coalition of seed stewards, gardeners, farmers, chefs and seed companies working to...
  26. 20/11/2019 Mbegu ni moja ya pembejeo kuu za uzalishaji wa chakula. Wakulima duniani kote wamekuwa wakijua jambo hili kwa karne nyingi. Mamilioni ya familia na jamii za kilimo wamefanya kazi ya kuchagua mbegu na kuzitunza kwa ajili ya matumizi ya msimu wa kilimo unaofuata. Hii ndio imeruhusu kilimo kuenea na...
  27. Seed Savers Exchange Heritage Farm This colorful, info-packed workshop will tell the ongoing story of a unique, collaborative breeding project that began as an idea between two gardening friends in 2005. Combining the short stature of determinate varieties (such as Taxi and Southern Night) and...
  28. SOMOS Semilla Seed Library brings education and food sovereignty to the community, strengthening the long-term health of our environment through seed saving. Our work is interconnected to a growing international movement of free seed advocates. The Challenge Quality organic seeds adapted to this...
  29. Abstract, Food Security, 2016 Seed can be an important entry point for promoting productivity, nutrition and resilience among smallholder farmers. While investments have primarily focused on strengthening the formal sector, this paper documents the degree to which the informal sector remains the...
  30. This e-Learning course walks participants through the Seed System Security Assessment (SSSA) process and then focuses on targeted responses, depending on the key constraints identified. The 8 modules are highly interactive: participants explore how to: collect key data, decide if farming...
  31. THE GLOBAL ROLE OF THE CROP TRUST In 1996, after long negotiations, 150 countries adopted the firstGlobal Plan of Action(GPA) for conserving and using crop diversity. The GPA called for a rational global conservation system, based on the principles of effectiveness, efficiency and transparency....