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  1. 08/04/2016 Sara Delaney a présenté un exposé lors de la Conférence internationale de ECHO sur l’agriculture en Novembre 2015. Un projet q’elle avait mentionné a eu des taux d’adoption remarquables, et nous avons pensé que ce serait un bon cas d’étude à partager dans EDN. Au cours de l’introduction de...
  2. 26/03/2015 Kitchen gardens are principle sources for family nutrition because they have leafy greens, fruits, vegetables, and important energy crops. Stacy Reader has just completed her 14 month Internship at ECHO-Florida where she managed the “lowlands” zone and shared responsibilities for the Seed Bank...
  3. 07/08/2018 Session: The presentation will elaborate on how useful these kitchen gardens in ensuring nutrition at household level Biographical Information: Charles Bonaventure (called "Bonny”) is a Technical Advisor for ECHO East Africa. Bonny worked with the Tanzanian government since 1986 before joining...
  4. Session:The session will first provide an overview of WorldVeg’s efforts in using traditional African vegetables in the region, based on its collection in Arusha, Tanzania, the largest in Africa. The overview will single out amaranth as well as traditional vegetables useful in drylands. Second,...
  5. Session:The presentation will elaborate on how useful these kitchen gardens in ensuring nutrition at household level Biographical Information:Charles Bonaventure (called "Bonny”) is a Technical Advisor for ECHO East Africa. Bonny worked with the Tanzanian government since 1986 before joining...
  6. 07/08/2018 Session:The session will first provide an overview of WorldVeg’s efforts in using traditional African vegetables in the region, based on its collection in Arusha, Tanzania, the largest in Africa. The overview will single out amaranth as well as traditional vegetables useful in drylands. Second,...
  7. 03/11/2015
  8. 20/10/2014
  9. 06/12/2016 This ECHOcommunity Update provided by ECHO East Africa intern Travis Silveus Plaster House is a not-for-profit organization based in Arusha, Tanzania. Their aim is to provide a safe place for healing after surgery for children of all ages. At any one time you can find around one hundred kids...
  10. 20/01/2013 Ce dépliant de 8 pages, facile à lire et particulièrement adapté à la consultation sur le terrain, traite des cultures sur buttes. Il propose des informations générales sur le sujet traité, une description des procédés, divers conseils, des tableaux et des croquis explicatifs.