1. Abstract, International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR), 2019 Fermentation is an oldest method of food preservation and food nutritional value improving. It involves the concomitant action of one or more microorganisms, and yeasts are the one which play a significant role in African...
  2. Abstract, Bioactive Molecules in Food, 2019 The demand for consumption of health promoting foods is growing worldwide due to the increased awareness of consumers on the impact of food on health. Traditional fermented foods prepared from cereals such as maize, rice, millet, or sorghum are common...
  3. Abstract,Journal of Agriculture and Ecology Research International, 2018 Stem borers have been reported as the most injurious insect pests of rice among the insects that attack rice crop globally. Management of stem borers has been relied on the use of synthetic insecticides but has been...
  4. Abstract, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 2019 Climate change is already negatively affecting Sub Saharan African agriculture. One of the most effective ways to adapton farmis to switch crop varieties. This technological change depends on the policies and institutions involved in governing...
  5. Scientists have observed unexpected benefits in Mozambique’s Water Efficient Maize for Africa (WEMA) field trials that could well be a game changer in efforts to ensure Africa’s food security. Though the maize varieties were genetically modified to withstand drought and the vicious stem borer...
  6. 16/07/2019 Apaikunda is a mother of seven in the village of Ngyeku in Tanzania. Her husband has passed away, leaving her to care for the younger four of seven children on her own. In order to provide for them, Apaikunda works as a weeder for other people, as she does not own any land herself. The eldest...
  7. Équilibrer les besoins du bétail et la nécessité de garder les sols couverts est un défi permanent pour l’agriculture de conservation dans le monde entier. Lorsque les résidus de culture, l’herbe et les matériaux de paillage sont rares, la santé des animaux et celle du sol en soufrent. La...
  8. Les agriculteurs du sud du Niger ont mis en valeur 5 millions d’hectares de terres et augmenté la production alimentaire de plus de 500 000 tonnes par an en gérant naturellement les arbres et arbustes à l’aide de la Régénération Naturelle Assistée (RNA) par les Agriculteurs. Le mouvement RNA a...
  9. Abstract, Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa, 2018 With a few exceptions, comprehensive lists of alien plants that invade natural ecosystems are lacking in sub-Saharan Africa. Some available lists are either preliminary or localised, or focus on agricultural weeds. This study set...
  10. Creative Capacity Building suggests that the underlying principles of co-creation and crowd-sourcing-- typically applied to computer software development, corporate management, or high-end product design --can also be relevant to technology innovations aimed at ending poverty. This is only...