1. Abstract:In this paper a review is given about the effects of different parts of the solar radiation and its importance for plant growth in greenhouses. Besides the most important visible part of the light (PAR), ultraviolet (UV), near infrared (NIR) and far infrared (FIR) are discussed. The...
  2. 01/01/1993 See also :Gardening on Rooftops & Other Above-Ground Locations, by Martin Price (2018) 11 pp : ill. Part of The ECHO Garden Hint Series --a collection of publications is designed to share some of ECHO's innovative gardening techniques including shallow bed gardening, hill culture, using cola...
  3. 01/01/1993 This is a collection of publications is designed to share some of ECHO's innovative gardening techniques including shallow bed gardening, hill culture, using cola cans in your soil mix, growing wick gardens, wading pool gardens, eave trough garden, and no-till garden. See also : Gardening on...
  4. 01/01/1972 Offers ideas for increasing property beauty, value, and usefulness, noting landscape-design possibilities and giving advice on trees, shrubs, ground covers, flowers, and grass as well as terraces, decks, and patios. 479 pages, illustrated, photos 2 copies
  5. Ressource principale
    23/07/2019 J'ai fait la connaissance des jardins centuples lorsque je faisais des recherches sur des moyens d'irriguer les plantes directement dans la zone racinaire. Je voulais savoir comment maîtriser de manière pratique et abordable certaines des variables qui influencent la croissance des plantes,...
  6. 24/07/2019 Patrick Trail, membre du personnel de ECHO Asie, a rédigéun guide sous forme d’images pour la construction de maisons construites avec des sacs de terre pour la conservation des semences en Asie. De nombreuses banques de semences en Asie utilisent des maisons en sacs de terre en lieu et place des...
  7. This book teaches you the techniques to make building simple and efficient. Clear instructions for more than 150 projects help even beginners build beautiful and sturdy projects, made to weather winter winds, and summer sun.