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  1. Ce livre est destiné aux enseignants, aux techniciens et cadres ruraux, au personnel des projets agricoles des campagnes ou des villes qui s'intéressent aux agricultures tropicales africaines telles qu'on les rencontre dans les fermes familiales. Priorité est donnée à la connaissance...
  2. 2009-12-20 The future of family farming The Sahel gets green Seducing the scientist The glass is half full More from less, from less to more Moving pictures The future of family farming Building on success No one-size-fits-all in extension
  3. 2014-09-20 Reclaiming denuded landscapes Emerging waterscapes From illegal logger to family farmer How territorial cooperatives carved an unconventional pathway Farming communities in living landscapes Sustaining our families and our landscape Listening and trust- the basis for working with forest and farm...
  4. Lightning Talk, ECHOEast Africa Pastoralist Symposium, March 29, 2022. Presenter: Ritha Tarimo
  5. 2005-06-20 Transforming the land More than profit: Horta e Arte Organic coffee Holding on to the family farm An alternative to slash-and-burn Supporting the local economy Microcredit, poverty and the environment Organizing access to local seeds in a context of crisis Community seed banks Recovering...
  6. 2009-06-20 Supportive policies secure a future for family farming Adding value to local livelihoods Creating conditions for growth Plenty of fruit, but also plenty of hurdles Supportive policies secure a future for family farming For these women, money does grow on (neem) trees It works to work together...
  7. 2013-12-20 Ten qualities of family farming New peasants in Spain When family farmers lead development The mother of our breath "We are a political and economic force" From conflicts to profitable alliances Learning from new peasants Agri-ProFocus Agro-ecology
  8. 2011-01-01 *Disponible solo en español. El proposito de este manual es proporionar a promotores y propmotoras una herraminenta que les permita conocer y difundir las buenas practicas agroecologicas indigenas, cuya aplicacion les permitira hacer una agricultura sostenible y ecologicamente segura, obtener...
  9. Key Resource 2017-06-06 A version of this material first appeared in EDN 134. Gender dynamics in relation to agriculture is a big topic, and one we had not previously written about in EDN. In recent years, widespread attention has been paid to the disparity that often exists between men and women when it comes to...
  10. Key Resource 2013-01-01 The ECHO Asia Regional Office receives frequent inquiries from small organizations seeking input and other assistance relatedto their agricultural initiatives, including questions such as the following: How many acres would it take to grow enough food (other than rice) to feed 38 people year...