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  1. 01 Agustus 2015 As densities of livestock increase, an industrious farmer finds ways and means to increase his farm’s nutrient stream for the benefit of his system. This article will describe methods and techniques necessary for a smallholder farmer to succeed with farm-derived hog feeds. As you read, remember...
  2. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #28 Pengantar Kesuburan yang dihasilkan oleh sebuah pertanian turut menyumbang terwujudnya sistem pertanian yang lebih berkelanjutan. Residu tanaman dan pupuk kandang merupakanbagian dari siklus hara untuk memproduksi tanaman serta membantu menurunkan biaya...
  3. Farm-generated fertility makes agriculture more sustainable. Crop residues and manures are part of the nutrient cycle and can lower input costs through the use of thermophilic composting, vermiculture, bokashi production, or green manures. Farm-generated feeds can also reduce expenses, if farmers...
  4. This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 35. Pengantar Salah satu hal terbaik yang dapat dilakukan untuk membuat komplit keberlanjutan dari pertanian atau kebun Anda adalah melalui menyeimbangkannya dengan unit ternak berukuran kecil. Integrasi ternak sangat penting, ada dalam urutan #10 dalam buku...
  5. This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 31. Pendahuluan Ada berbagai ternak ruminansia berperut banyak yang mengagumkan. Mereka membutuhkan asupan gizi yang berbeda-beda. Ruminansia (hewan pemamah-biak—penerjemah) adalah mamalia berjari kaki genap, berkuku belah, berkaki empat, mamalia yang...
  6. This helpful book has been provided free of charge by the Aloha House to the wider network. ECHO Asia believes that these resources are well researched and useful to the majority of ECHO Asia network members. For more information, please contact Keith Mikkelson, the author....
  7. Speaker Bio: Keith Mikkelson is the Executive Director of Aloha House Inc., an NGO founded by Keith and his wife to help Philippine families. Aloha House is an orphanage located on an organic farm that produces food for the children, staff, and customers in Puerto Princesa City, Palawan. Keith’s...
  8. 20 Januari 2011 Keith O. Mikkelson, executive director of an orphanage and children’s home called Aloha House in the Philippines, shares some of the ways EM is used on their farm in his book A Natural Farming System for Sustainable Agriculture in the Tropics. On his farm, EM is used in the form of bokashi...
  9. 04 Oktober 2019
  10. 02 Oktober 2019 Get an overview of the steps in making cheese with and without cultures while watching a hands on production process. Narcy is a cofounder of Aloha House Inc. - a non-profit non-stock operating an orphanage on an organic farm. She is an excellent cook with skills in on-farm value-added processing...
  11. 06 Oktober 2015 Speaker Bio: Keith Mikkelson is the Executive Director of Aloha House Inc., an NGO founded by Keith and his wife to help Philippine families. Aloha House is an orphanage located on an organic farm that produces food for the children, staff, and customers in Puerto Princesa City, Palawan. Keith’s...
  12. 12 Mei 2015 How the Aloha House manages its livestock using Natural Farming techniques and effective microorganisms, Part I.
  13. 12 Mei 2015 How the Aloha House manages its livestock using Natural Farming techniques and effective microorganisms, Part II.
  14. 12 Mei 2015 About the Aloha House Farm, and how it uses natural farming techniques.
  15. 12 Mei 2015 How to utilize microbes on your farm! Bokashi, what it is, how to make it, and how to use it.
  16. 12 Mei 2015 FAITH (Food always in the home) gardening and how it is applied at the Aloha House Farm.
  17. 12 Mei 2015 The use of effective microorganisms at the Aloha House Farm, why they are important, and how you can use them, too.
  18. 04 Oktober 2019 Example of Value-added farm products- Straw Factory operation at Aloha House, Palawan, Philippines
  19. 04 Oktober 2019 Example of Value-added farm products- Turmeric operation at Aloha House, Palawan, Philippines
  20. 12 Mei 2015 An overview of the aquaponics system at Aloha House, how it is run and managed Part I.
  21. 12 Mei 2015 An overview of the aquaponics system at Aloha House, how it is run and managed Part II.
  22. 12 Mei 2015 An overview of the aquaponics system at Aloha House, how it is run and managed Part III.
  23. 12 Mei 2015 Keith shares about cheese-making methods used at the Aloha House.
  24. 12 Mei 2015 An overview of the Aloha House’s nursery and how it is run.
  25. A slideshow documenting the process for making straws from bamboo.
  26. 01 Januari 2019 Copyright 2019 Keith Mikkelson – ECHO Asia Impact Center PDF available! CLICK HERE FOR OTHER TRANSLATIONS! Integrated livestock systems can provide many benefits. With careful planning and by starting small, most farmers will be able to incorporate cows, goats, chickens, or hogs and improve the...
  27. 20 Oktober 2011
  28. 20 Oktober 2011
  29. 12 Mei 2015
  30. 02 Oktober 2019 Part 2. This workshop will shed light on ECHO's newest publication "Animal Integration & Feeding Strategies for the Tropical Smallholder Farm."Mr. Keith Mikkelson is the author of this book borne out of a compilation of 5 ECHO Asia Notes articles discussing his on-farm feed solutions for his...
  31. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #17 Around the world, many agriculturists and gardeners are adopting soil amendments and fertilizers that are called bokashi. Bokashi is a Japanese word that has no good translation into English, according to Yukiko Oyanagi, a staffer with the Asian Rural...
  32. 06 Oktober 2015
  33. As a part of the "Agriculture Strategies" series, this talk provides an overview and technical information related to natural farming.
  34. 02 Oktober 2013
  35. 04 Oktober 2019 Part 2
  36. 02 Oktober 2019 This workshop will shed light on ECHO's newest publication "Animal Integration & Feeding Strategies for the Tropical Smallholder Farm."Mr. Keith Mikkelson is the author of this book borne out of a compilation of 5 ECHO Asia Notes articles discussing his on-farm feed solutions for his farm in...
  37. 08 Februari 2017

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