01 Januari 2020 This study, conducted at ECHO during the Summer of 2011, was carried out to compare eggplant fruiting response to varying rates of a standard mineral fertilizer versus 6 month old compost with 25% cow manure and 75% plant matter (evenly split between woody and green, leafy material). The high...
05 Oktober 2017 In this workshop, we will try to help you minimize the use of resources coming from outside of your country, especially as they relate to fertility in agriculture.
08 Februari 2018 Speaker Bio: Mr. Jeffrey Laruan is a local church Pastor and an organic farmer. He was born in July 5, 1953. He finished his Theology Degree at Nazarene Bible College. He grew up as a farmer and shifted to Organic Farming in 2005. His farm “Lily of the Valley Organic Farm” is accredited under ATI...