ECHO Development Notes (EDN)
At the center of our work is ECHO Development Notes (EDN), which we send quarterly to thousands of people in over 160 countries in three languages (English, French, and Spanish). In EDN we share the most helpful, practical information that we come across about growing food under difficult circumstances.
Within each issue you'll find featured techniques, practices, information and experience to help guide your work in tropical and subtropical agricultural development. Also in EDN are "Echoes from Our Network," "From ECHO's Seed Bank," and more. Issues #1-51 were compiled in the 1990s into the Amaranth to Zai Holes book, which or you may read it online here. Also, Agricultural Options for Small Scale Farmers, expanded on the foundation from Amaranth to Zai Holes by covering EDN 52 through 100, with articles from outside contributors. Agricultural Options for Small Scale Farmers is available for purchase from the ECHO Bookstore and Amazon.
If you would like to browse EDNs via our Index, please click here.
176 Issues in this Publication (Showing issues 117 - 110) Previous | Next
EDN Issue #117 - 20/10/2012
- Also available in:
- Français (fr)
- Español (es)
- English (en)
Developing Low-Cost Assistive Technologies for Persons with Disabilities – The First Year
Annual Leafy Greens Variety Trial
EDN Issue #116 - 01/07/2012
- Also available in:
- English (en)
- Français (fr)
- Español (es)
Living Fences
Intercropping for Pest Control: The Push-Pull Approach
Upcoming Events
From ECHO’s Seed Bank: Pumpkin variety trial results
ECHOes from our Network: Note from Bill Mebane
From Our Regional Impact Centers
EDN Issue #115 - 20/04/2012
- Also available in:
- English (en)
- Français (fr)
- Español (es)
Baobab Seed Available
Wick Irrigation
Sequel to Amaranth to Zai Holes
Microfinance: The Savings Group Model
EDN Issue #114 - 01/01/2012
- Also available in:
- Español (es)
- Français (fr)
- English (en)
Schoolyard and Community Gardens
Tolerance of Moringa oleifera to Freeze Events
Books, Websites and Other Resources: Empowering Children
From ECHO’s Seed Bank: Moringa drouhardii and M. ovalifolia
EDN Issue #113 - 20/10/2011
- Also available in:
- Français (fr)
- Español (es)
- English (en)
Spider Flower (Cleome gynandra)
East Africa’s Drought: Q and A
The Importance of Indigenous Food Plants
Famine in the Horn of Africa
Introducing ECHO’s New Online Community Portal—in over 30 Languages!
EDN Issue #112 - 20/07/2011
- Also available in:
- Français (fr)
- Español (es)
- English (en)
Bamboo for Fences
New Use for Moringa Seeds
Resource for Understanding Land and Tree Tenure Issues
Marketing Information from ATTRA
Tomatoes from Cuttings
Metal Silos for Improved Grain Storage
Avocado Trees
‘Caro Rich’ Tomato Seed for Increased Vitamin A
EDN Issue #111 Supplement - 20/04/2011
We often come across interesting material related to articles in EDN that could not fit into the available space in the issue. We share the most relevant of those here.
EDN Issue #111 - 20/04/2011
- Also available in:
- English (en)
- Español (es)
- Français (fr)
Water Harvesting Through Sand Dams
Soil Microorganisms from Compost Tea
Gliricidia sepium for Rat Control: A Recipe
EDN Issue #110 - 20/01/2011
- Also available in:
- English (en)
- Español (es)
- Français (fr)
Multiplication and Use of Soil Microorganisms
Chia (Salvia hispanica L.): An Ancient Food Crop with Rediscovered Potential for Providing Nutrition
EDN Issue #110 Supplement - 20/01/2011
We often come across interesting material related to articles in EDN that could not fit into the available space in the issue. We share the most relevant of those here.