1. 01 មករា 1970 Pulses constitute a group of crops of the legume family which, with the helpof the bacteria in their root nodules, fix atmospheric nitrogen and improve the soil fertility. This book includes multiple authors writing on the group of grain crops (pulse) that are being planted in India.Pulse Crops...
  2. Abstract,Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci, 2019 System of rice intensification (SRI) is the new technology of rice production. First time in Chhindwara district of MP, SRI technique was introduced among tribal farmers. It was observed that average productivity in SRI was found 35.54 qt ha-1 as...
  3. Abstract, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2018 The burgeoning population of the developing countries, climate change and shrinking resources are putting pressure on the food security. Thus it implies that in future we not only have to produce more but also do smart agriculture for...
  4. 01 មករា 1967 This handbook presents a wealth of information on the theory and practice of animal husbandry in clear and precise terms. It attempts to show a broad panoramic picture of the many problems facing the animal husbandry workers and is intended to meet the practical requirements of students,...
  5. 01 មករា 1992 Forests support livestock population by providing green dry fodder and grazing facilities. The fodder production has to be enhanced with the introduction of multipurpose trees and high yielding grasses. I hope this compilation will be of immense help for the graziers, farmers, foresters and other...
  6. The Handbook of Manures and Fertilizers is an attempt to disseminate information to the farmers. It contains useful information on the ways of increasing manurial resources, the different kinds of manures and fertilizers, their composition, their role in the nutrition of crops, methods and time...
  7. A variety of solutions have entered the market in recent years, which provide low-income households and workshops or small factories with a simple cooling solution that can be installed in a wall or window, basically providing them with a natural ‘air-conditioning’ system with no or low energy...
  8. This Research Bulletin summarizes conclusions that can be drawn from 7 years of soil and water management research in the Farming Systems Program of ICRISAT, as well as selected conclusions from our other progrmas and subprograms. It clearly states findings that need to be evaluated on farmers'...
  9. Clean Works Centersare self-sustaining, remotely operated, “off-the grid” facilities. The Centers enable new methods for “in-the-field” post-harvest food processing, packing and storage. With the adoption of new innovations designed to extend shelf life, perishable and staple foods are of higher...
  10. Abstract, Technoserve, 2018 August Large swathes of central India remain thickly forested, especially in the states of Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand. Living in small hamlets, the Adivasis – the indigenous people of the region – are mostly marginal farmers, depending on rain-fed agriculture for one...