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99 items found (Showing 1 - 10)
  1. Key Resource 2011-01-20 Over the past 30 plus years that we have been working with small-scale farmers in Central Africa, we have enjoyed the wonderful lushness of its forests, savannahs, and rivers. In addition, we have been privileged to get to know some of the many people groups, with their different cultures and...  
  2. Key Resource 2007-01-20 This book features both common and hard-to-find fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices and bamboo for Southwest Florida. It includes fruiting trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants, fruiting vines, brambles, tropical vegetables, herbs, spices, bamboo, tropical and subtropical fruit tree ripening chart,...
  3. Key Resource 2011-01-01 Lack of food security is one of the biggest challenges that Central Africans face each day as they toil in their gardens, trying to produce enough food to simply feed their families and afford other expenses in life such as health care or schooling for their children. Main factors limiting...  
  4. Key Resource
    1998-06-01 There are more than one hundred major species of fruits in the tropics, which make a very interesting contribution to the appetite as well as to good nutrition. These species vary in ecological requirements, in season of production, in yields, uses and, of course, in many other characteristics....  
  5. Key Resource Edible Portion:Fruit, Spice The plant grows 1-5 m high. It can be grown in a pot as a small plant. The plants have thorns and the leaves are long andnarrow and do not have a citrus smell. The flowers are white and have a smell. They appear in clusters of 1-5. The fruit areround and 2.5 cm across....  
  6. Key Resource 1998-05-01 A wide variety of fruits is grown in the tropics, under a range of climatic conditions and soil types. Some have been widely used both within the tropics and also exported to temperate countries for many years, whereas others are currently grown almost exclusively for local or regional use....  
  7. Key Resource Edible Portion:Fruit, Seeds - Oil, Stem A small palm. It grows up to 5 m tall. It has 40-50 leaves. The trunk has a pattern from the old leaf stubs. The trunk is stout andwoody. The leaves hang over and are blue-green. They are 1.3-2 m long and the leaflets form a V shape. Along the edge of the...  
  8. Key Resource 2007-01-01 By Dr. F. W. Martin. Published in parts, 1989 and 1994; Revised 1998 and 2007 by ECHO Staff Though nearly all plants are useful in some way, they are not equally valuable. For example, wheat, rice and corn may be considered the most valuable plants in the world based on the vast acreage planted...  
  9. Key Resource 1993-12-01 Offers the non-specialist an insight into the ranges of methods and equipment available for preserving products, increasing the quality and range of foodstuffs and indicating where the hazards are when setting up a small food processing concern.  
  10. Key Resource 1987-11-01 This 505 page book is an exceptionally exhaustive source of information on tropical and subtropical fruits. It is a well-illustrated and very readable, practical guide for those interested in growing tropical and subtropical fruits either for the home garden or commercially. The fruits are...