1. Access Agriculture Training Video This video shows the importance of good planning and knowledge. We can reduce losses by following good practices when installing the seedbed, preparing the field and transplanting chilli seedlings. Available languages Amharic Arabic Bambara Bangla Bemba Chichewa...
  2. Access Agriculture Training Video Use quality seeds in a seedbed of one meter wide. Make furrows about every 15 cm. Do not sow too many seeds too close together or the seedlings will be too tall and weak and they will break easily when transplanted. Protect the seedbed from the hot sun and hard...
  3. Access Agriculture Training Video Yields are much higher when rice is transplanted. Compared to broadcasting, yields are two or three times higher. So why not watch this video and find out how and why. This video is part of the Rice Advice DVD. Available languages: Ateso Burmese Chichewa /...
  4. 1994-07-19 Nitrogen fertilizer should not be applied to trees and shrubs directly after transplanting.
  5. Teff ezali céréale moko ya tina makasi na Ethiopie. Ba lolenge ya kala ya ko lona yango ezali ko nécéssiter que elonama na ba nzete ya milayi pe yango esalaka que obuka ebele te. Vidéo oyo ezali kolakisa technique ya ko transplanter to ko buka esika mosusu pe kolona esika mosusu pe yango ezali...
  6. 2020-01-01 We at ECHO are sometimes asked what we recommend for a germination medium in situations where seeds or seedlings need to be started in pots or plastic sacks before going out to the field. This past summer, we conducted a trial at ECHO to make and evaluate potting mixes that could serve as...
  7. After a vegetable farmer has produced quality seedlings, it’s time to plant them in the field or screenhouse. In this video produced by the World Vegetable Center for the VINESA project, researcherAgatha Aloyceexplains simple steps farmers can follow, such as making ridges for planting, using the...