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  1. AccessAgriculture Training Video Antibiotics are drugs used for killing germs. The drugs can be given by mouth or injected into the animal’s muscle or vein. These drugs go directly into the bloodstream. The blood carries the drug to the udder where it will get into the milk. Available languages...
  2. For the last 60 million years, fungus-growing ants have farmed fungi for food. In their cultivation of those fungi, they've successfully relied on bacteria-produced antimicrobial ingredients to protect their crops from other species of parasitic fungi. Now, researchers reporting in the journal...
  3. Abstract, Frontiers in Microbiology, 2018 The intestinal barrier, consisting of the vascular endothelium, epithelial cell lining, and mucus layer, covers a surface of about 400 m2. The integrity of the gut wall is sustained by transcellular proteins forming tight junctions between the epithelial...
  4. 1992-06-19 Information about making a skin ointment from Moringa oleifera. Herbal applications are commonly used to treat skin infections in developing countries, although few investigations are conducted to validate scientifically their popular use. A previous study had showed that Moringa oleifera...
  5. 1993-03-19 New Zealand bee scientist, Dr. Peter Molan, says that “honey is used in many countries in the treatment of burns, blisters, bed sores and major wounds. Honey has long been used as a wound dressing and is probably the perfect substance for such a use. Not only is it antibiotic (killing almost all...