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  1. Inclusive development has become increasingly a priority for development organizations. This focus on inclusive development has led organizations to address the particular needs of persons with disabilities in specific development sectors.
  2. Our mission is to drive greater access and use of mobile technologies for persons with disabilities in emerging markets and maximise opportunities for social and economic inclusion. Today, over one billion people need at least one form of assistive technology (AT), but around 90 per cent of them...
  3. According to areportfrom India’s Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, 2.21% of the country’s population lives with a disability. Of that population, 20% have a disability of movement, and most live in rural areas. The highest rate of amputation occurs in these rural settings,...
  4. We started Alabaster Research to develop tailored solutions to development challenges across the world. In our time in the sector, we have both independently observed challenges in the society from close quarters. We realized some of these challenges can be solved through innovative technologies...
  5. Services Farm site assessments for people in Agriculture with disabilities Recommendation of modifications, equipment, or assistive technology (AT) Connection or referral to agency resources such as local or international programs that can help the client live a successful life. Organise peer...
  6. Matter, Rebecca & Eide, Arne H.. (2018). Access to assistive technology in two Southern African countries. BMC Health Services Research. 18. 10.1186/s12913-018-3605-9. Background: Millions of people in Southern Africa are deprived of basic human rights such as the right to education and work...
  7. 2012-10-20 Inclusive development has become increasingly a priority for development organizations. This focus on inclusive development has led organizations to address the particular needs of persons with disabilities in specific development sectors. One area of growing attention is in inclusive water,...