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  1. 2016-11-30 In this session, Zach introduces the basis for evaluation and grading for Arabica green coffees. Additionally he shares the SCAA Grading Standards for physical evaluation of green coffees.
  2. 2016-11-30 In this session, Zach discusses the natural processing technique and the challenge of caring for the coffee cherries in such a way that you are encouraging optimum flavour without losing the cherry to bacteria or mold.
  3. 2016-11-30 In this session, Zach discusses the critical quality control operations for coffee quality. These critical quality control points includeharvesting/cherry separation, fermentation, and drying.
  4. 2016-11-30 This form can be used during a coffee cupping to evaluate the coffee on a number of factors.
  5. 2016-11-30 This form can be used to grade the green coffee, evaluating for defects in both category 1 and 2.
  6. 2015-10-06 Speaker Bio: Samuel Gurel is a certified SCAA Q Grader instructor and has instructed several Q grader classes in China. Samuel has been involved in all aspects of the coffee industry for the past 10 years and has been on the judging committees of several barista competitions. He has presented...
  7. Access Agriculture Training Video Good quality coffee production does not happen by itself – it is a combination of the many aspects of managing coffee plots, and all must be done well if you want to maximise your returns. This video looks at two aspects, the first is picking coffee from the...
  8. Access Agriculture Training Video For years coffee farmers in Uganda have been at a disadvantage, but over the past 10 to 15 years some incredible changes have been seen - thanks to farmers organising themselves into groups. By working together they have increased the quality of their coffee crop...
  9. Access Agriculture Training Video Managing coffee bushes well can make the difference between an average income and earning a good living. Stumping coffee bushes on a regular basis as part of your overall management plan, and pruning them each year, can help boost yields and income. Available...
  10. This article is from ECHO Asia Note #29 Processing methods for coffee can drastically change the quality and taste of the final product, for better or for worse. By choosing a method that positively impacts quality, flavor, and cost, a coffee producer can optimize the coffee’s potential, at the...