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  1. Clay pot coolers, also known aszeer pots, have been in use for centuries in many parts of the world and operate on a simple principle of passive evaporation. These storage devices, which operate without electricity, consist of two pots nested together with a layer of sand in between and covered...
  2. EXTENDS SHELF LIFE OF PERISHABLE FOOD FROM 2 DAYS TO 21 Our innovation, ColdHubs, is a “plug and play” modular, solar-powered walk-in cold room, for 24/7 off-grid storage and preservation of perishable foods. It adequately addresses the problem of post- harvest losses in fruits, vegetables and...
  3. Growing, harvesting, preserving and marketing food that benefits from chilling or freezing is no easy process. Middlemen, lack of education, poor technology transfer, difficult or non-existent agriculture credit, unclear market linkages, tradition, volume and production inconsistencies, lack of...
  4. 2017-11-14 Growing, harvesting, preserving and marketing food that benefits from chilling or freezing is no easy process. Middlemen, lack of education, poor technology transfer, difficult or non-existent agriculture credit, unclear market linkages, tradition, volume and production inconsistencies, lack of...