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  1. Evaporative Cooling for Fruit & Vegetable Storage MIT D-Lab, theWorld Vegetable Center, and Institut d'Economie Rurale (IER) havedeveloped this guide in order to disseminate information about this simple, low-cost technology that uses the principle of evaporative cooling to provide improved...
  2. Fruits and vegetables can spoil quickly in arid climates, leading to the loss of food, time, and money. Roughly 50% of fruits and vegetables harvested in Sub-Saharan Africa are lost between harvest and reaching the consumer, owed in part to poor storage in regions where electricity is scarce or...
  3. Abstract, Inetrnational Journal of Engineering, 2020 Evaporative cooling is a well-known system to be an efficient and economical means for reducing the temperature and increasing the relative humidity in an enclosure and this effect has been extensively tried for increasing the shelf life of...
  4. A zeer pot is an evaporative cooler used in rural Africa and the Middle East to keep vegetables fresh. They consist of two terra cotta pots, one nested inside the other, with the gap between them filled with wet sand. The sand serves as a thermal mass that helps keep the pot cold once it has...
  5. Clay pot coolers, also known aszeer pots, have been in use for centuries in many parts of the world and operate on a simple principle of passive evaporation. These storage devices, which operate without electricity, consist of two pots nested together with a layer of sand in between and covered...