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  1. 2004-01-20 In a survey reported in the East African Medical Journal, 597 school children and their parents were surveyed in areas of southern Ethiopia that have very high incidence of goiter. M. stenopetala had a significant association with the prevalence of goiter.
  2. 2004-04-20 Filtering water through old clothes can effectively remove many of the copepods (a type of zooplankton) that carry cholera-causing bacteria. Researchers from the University of Maryland, College Park, did a study in Bangladesh comparing the effectiveness of old saris and nylon filters for...
  3. 2004-10-20 Smoke from open fires can be a nuisance, and it can also lead to severe health problems. The Intermediate Technology Development Group (ITDG) has issued a document called “Smoke—the Killer in the Kitchen” that shares statistics on indoor air pollution caused by burning solid fuels like wood,...
  4. 2005-10-01 Konzo is an irreversible disease that appears suddenly and causes spastic paralysis of both legs. Konzo affects mainly women and children, afflicting thousands in the remote rural areas of Bandundu Province in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It has also been reported from remote rural areas in...
  5. 2006-07-20 In EDN Issue 80 (July 2003), we asked for feedback from our network about raising soybeans in the tropics. We heard back from several people and would like to share their responses.
  6. 2005-07-20 Feedback from the ECHO networking with information on cookstoves and indoor pollution.
  7. 2006-01-20 Seeds ofMoringa oleiferacan be used to treat water in an emergency or disaster situation. Studies since the early 1970’s have found the seeds to be highly effective in removing suspended particles from water with medium to high levels of turbidity.
  8. 2008-04-20 According to a New Scientist article in 2007, up to 52 per cent of anti-malarial tablets sold across the region including Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Burma and Thailand contain no artesunate (a drug made by slightly altering artemisinin so that it is soluble and can be given by injection as well as...
  9. 2010-04-01 Many complicating factors affect agricultural work, family health, and nutrition when one or more family members are HIV positive or have an active case of AIDS. In addition to those who are sick, others in the family and community are affected by the consequences of their illness. This broader...
  10. 2008-10-20 Faba bean is one of the oldest dual-use food and fodder species. The beans are rich in minerals (calcium, phosphorus) and vitamins. Containing approximately 26% protein, 2% fat, and 50% carbohydrate, faba bean is considered in some regions to be superior to field peas or other legumes as a human...