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  1. 1997-01-01 La finalité de cette brochure est dêtre un appui ou un guide pour les groupes et personnes qui désirent produire des aliments de complément pour un usage local, à partir des ingrédients locaux disponibles. Elle est aussi destinée aux personnes chargées d'en cadrer et de conseiller la réalisation...
  2. Over 100 pages of drawings drawn and donated by the British Association of Illustrators. Covers food, water, health, shelter and work. For use by and of help to fieldworkers active in communication and education work, and to encourage local artists.
  3. This publication discusses the critical role that high diastatic barley malt flour plays in the care of weaning infants and the severly malnourished. 23 pages 2 copies
  4. This thesis describes research on the role of foods for improving vitamin A status of breastfeeding women in Indonesia.
  5. This book gives an account of the grain-legumes and their contribution to human diets and human nutrition, based on the available technical literature, including the most recent relevant studies. It also deals with measures to increase the production and consumption of this group of foods.
  6. This book deals mainly with the edible mature seeds of leguminous plants which belong to the family of Leguminosae. Included are chapters on the history of legumes, production and consumption, seed structure and composition, toxic constitutents in legumes, methods of processing and cooking...
  7. 2009-01-01 This report offers a rationale for urgently scaling up effective interventions to reduce the global burden of child and maternal undernutrition. It provides information on nutrition strategies and progress made by programmes, based on the most recent data available. The success stories and...
  8. A SOLUTION THAT ENDS MALNUTRITION Food Plant Solutions creates educational materials that explain what nutritional food is, why our bodies need it and how to grow and use it. FPSfocuses on what are often neglected and underutilized plants, plants that are growing in and adapted to their...
  9. TheFood Plant Solutions Rotarian Action Group (FPS RAG)promotes innovative solutions to end hunger, malnutrition and ensure food security that is nutritious, sustainable, cost effective and proven to work. Food Plant Solutions creates educational publications that help the Rotary network...
  10. 1997-01-01 This Agrodok booklet has been published by Agromisa Foundation. We hope that the information given in this booklet will help people in developing countries in preventing malnutrition among young children. Version 2, 2005