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  1. Access Agriculture Training Video Soils that are depleted or heavily leached are often acidic. Soils can also become acidic from the high use of chemical fertilizers. Acidic soil inhibits the bacteria that help organic matter to decompose. Acidic soil makes some nutrients less available to crops....
  2. 1997-10-19 Rebuilding lost soil fertility A tool for quantitative farm analysis Intensification of swidden agriculture in the Philippines Poor soils need organic matter Indigenous green manure in Nepal New Kekulam Recycling household waste in Egypt Biomass transfer
  3. 2005-10-01 One of the most important things a farmer can do for his farm is to prevent soil erosion. One way to do so is by keeping soil covered, especially during the rainy season. Vegetative cover and high levels of soil organic matter are key. Below is a brief description of several vegetative or...
  4. 2005-01-20 Maradi Integrated Development Project has forced me to question the wisdom of assuming that increases of organic content and fertility are always best.
  5. 2005-07-20 Joel Matthewsreceived some feedbackabout his comments on low fertility soil and traditional varieties in EDN 86. In response, he sent the following additional comment.