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  1. Nitrogen pollution of lakes, rivers, and oceans by human urine is a growing problem.Liquid Goldshows how urine can safely be used to grow food, fuel, fiber, and beautiful landscapes while protecting the environment and providing free and safe fertilizer. Featuring a short history of urine use—...
  2. Access Agriculture Training Video Poultry waste is rich in nitrogen and other nutrients, and is good food for beneficial microbes in the soil. Mix it with decomposed cow dung and carbon-rich materials. To speed up decomposition, sprinkle organic decomposer or Trichoderma on the waste. From rotten...
  3. 2022-11-16 Session : This session goes over facts for the use of human urine as fertilizer, the safety considerations for the use of urine, Reducing risk, social, stigma, cropping system, regimented service functions, application systems, and more. Presenter :Missionary working in South Sudan with Christian...
  4. 1956-01-01 The purpose of this monographis to present methods and processes by which organic waste materials, which constitute a health hazard and a source of disease communication, may be treated for sanitary disposal and utilization in agriculture. These important objectives-sanitary treatment for the...
  5. Access Agriculture Training Video Coating seed with good microbes and organic fertilizer protects crops from diseases and gives them a healthy start. You can also prepare your own organic solution with cow dung, cow urine, lime, cow milk or yoghurt and water. Available languages Arabic Ateso...
  6. This animation presents four steps to ensure better harvests in arid and semi-arid climates. Through timely and deep plowing, micro dosing manure and practicing response fertilization, farmers in these regions can see increases to their crop yields while managing input costs. Scientific...
  7. This report examines some of the opportunities for the utilization of organic wastes and residues commonly found in the poorer rural areas of the world. It is based on discussions and presentations at a panel meeting of the Advisory Committee on Technology Innovation held in 1979. The purpose is...
  8. Report on an FAO/UNDP Study Tour to the People's Republic of China 28 April-24 May 1977 This manual purpose is to acquant senior staff from developing countries with practices in the recycling of organic wastes in agriculture and to exchange experience.
  9. 2005-09-01 This is the third edition of a self-published book. No respectable publisher would touch it with a ten foot shovel. Nevertheless, the book has now been sold around the world, translated into over a dozen languages and published in foreign editions on four continents. It has been talked about on...