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  1. This booklet was developed as a training aid for use in irrigation workshops conducted for small farmers and technicians in the Peruvian highlands through USAID. Much of the agriculture there takes place on stepp slopes, shallow soils and small farm plots. Irrigation extension personnel found the...
  2. This manual has been prepared for use by Peace Corps Trainees and Peace Corps Volunteers as a resource in gaining understanding and knowledge of basic irrigation principles and practices. It is intended as a practical handbook which can be understoody be the generalist. Subject areas have been...
  3. This illustrated book commemorates the part of our history that irrigators played in developing our water resources and the impact that development had on the growth of our great nation. Over 150 photographs and drawings will lead you from the early days of irrigation development to the very...
  4. Measured irrigation is anirrigation scheduling technique. For conventional drip irrigation systems, the volume of water delivered by a dripperduring the irrigation event depends upon the flow rate. But for measured irrigation the volume of water delivered by a dripperduring the irrigation event...
  5. 2015-03-26 This workshop will explored ideas for irrigating vegetable gardens including ideas for homemade irrigation systems as well as factory made irrigation systems. Beth has a B.A in International Agribusiness and is a former ECHO intern who returned to ECHO in 2004 after working for 13 years in...
  6. 1997-12-01 Efficient and effective irrigation of the land can have a dramatic effect on the agricultural output and economic well-being of a community. The smallholdings, defined in this book as up to 25 hectares (60 acres), can be the source of a significant proportion of a country's food production.At the...
  7. 1996-01-19 Chapin Watermatics produces “bucket kits” of gravity-run drip irrigation used in vegetable garden projects in developing countries. These kits enable people to produce vegetables with the same efficient use of water that commercial drip systems provide.
  8. 2012-04-20 In the past, we have written about different types of micro irrigation in EDN ; for example, we wrote about using clay pots for irrigation inEDN 97. This is a very good option, but unless pots are made locally, it can be expensive. Graham Knight of BioDesign in the UK has gathered information...
  9. 2003-04-20 Politically and economically, the ten plus years our family has been in Haiti have been rather tumultuous. There was a coup in October of 1991 against President Jean Bertrand Aristide, then four years of crushing embargo when gasoline cost $20 a gallon and neither tools nor parts could be...
  10. 2010-01-20 To answer questions about rights to resources in your community, you need to understand the ways people claim and own resources in your region. Ownership defines who can do what with different resources. Four questions that need to be answered.