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  1. 2023-01-06 Drip irrigation and its associated practices allow farmers to supply water to crop roots according to plant needs. Technicians promote drip irrigation for water conservation, weed control, plant disease reduction, and erosion control. Drip irrigation can be implemented in various locations on...
  2. 2002-04-01 The primary objective of the VIFOR irrigation component, which commenced in June 2000, was to support groups of farmers in Lilongwe West interested and willing to invest in irrigated dimba crop production using treadle pumps for increased incomes, improved household food security, and improved...
  3. 2000-01-01 This report begins with a review of the different treadle pumps currently in use in Africa and the information available on their technical performance, with a view to trying to answer the question - Which is the best treadle pump? This is followed by reports prepared by national experts on the...
  4. 2003-01-01 This study analysed the reasons for the sudden turn around in GWRDC's tubewell-transfer program and found that proactive policy changes under a new management helped the agency achieve rare management helped the agency achieve rare success in tubewell transfer, which had so far eluded them. 34...
  5. Water conservation is no longer the concern of just a few isolated, drought-stricken communities in the West. While water may not always be scarce, everywhere in the country, a supply of fresh, clean water is no longer a given. Drip Irrigationis the best book to explain how to water everything in...
  6. 1982-01-01 FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper 39 68 pages, illustrated
  7. Le présent document a pour but de réunir les résultats techniques obtenue particulièrement en cultures maraïchères irriguées pendant 8 années de prèsence au Sahel Tunisien dans le cadre k'un projet de vulgarisation agricole issu de la Coopération Belgo-Tunisienne et géré par l'Administration...
  8. 1989-04-19 Participatory analysis of the village agroecosystem Research on integrated and organic farming Traditional irrigation Water harvesting Agroforestry and integrated land use in Tanzania Guinea Pig Plant Protection
  9. 1996-04-19 Experiences from the Andes and the Himalayas combined Lameo - Boliva soil conservation Irrigation through reservoirs in Bolivia Burning in hillsides farming in Colombia Diversity in mountain agriculture in northern India Indigenous knowledge re-valued Livestock and soil fertility
  10. 2009-03-20 Diversity and efficiency: the elements of ecologically intensive agriculture Seeds, knowledge and diversity in the hands of small-scale farmers in Honduras Living the sustainable life - managing a dryland family farm Making the most of underutilised crops Improving livelihoods with underutilised...