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  1. 2007-10-20 A pot irrigation system was used to water newly planted mango grafts. Instead of direct watering, water was poured into four cylindrical clay pots installed around the plant.
  2. 2007-10-20 Deep pipe irrigation is fairly simple and inexpensive, does not require high quality water, and makes very efficient use of water.
  3. 2005-07-20 “Gray water” (also “grey water,” “graywater” or “greywater”) is the term used to describe wastewater from dish washing, laundry, bathing, and rinsing. (Note: the term gray water does not refer to toilet waste, which is often called “black water.”) Although gray water does not need extensive...
  4. 2015-10-06
  5. Revitalizing irrigation across Africa andAsiais key to ensuring that future populations do not go hungry. The need for groundwater management is growing as farmers increasingly pump groundwater to meet their water needs, leaving behind the old systems and institutions that managed them. Using...
  6. 1991-12-19 We Are Beginning Our Second Decade! Sudanese Experience With Neem To Control Pests Some Helpful Facts About Salinity Caution About Using Moringa Tree Roots As A Horseradish Substitute Guidelines For Farmers Near Volcanos Who Must Now Plant In Fresh Volcanic Ash Use Of Partially Buried Flower Pots...
  7. 2016-01-20 This case study describes the community of a small village called Ingotse in Kakamega county in western Kenya. Like most rural, food-insecure communities in sub-Saharan Africa, Ingotse village relied on rain-fed agriculture for production of staple crops. Farmers in this village raised some funds...
  8. This paper in effect replaces the excellent, but now long out of print booklet, entitled "Water Lifting Devices for Irrigation", by Aldert Molenaar, published by FAO as long ago as 1956 [1]. Since that time, little more than one generation ago, the human population has almost doubled. In the same...
  9. Abstract,International Journal of Applied Science and Technology, October 2012 Although, there are various reuses of grey water but this study is limited to one type of reuse- irrigation. The objective of this project is to design and construct a filter for grey water reuse for irrigation of not...