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  1. 1992-01-01 This manual aims to provide readily-understandable technical information to help extension workers respond to farmers' questions on how to grow and manage trees for householduses or for local markets. Although the manual is, for the most part, a technical reference, it must be emphasized that...
  2. 1992-01-01 This manual aims to provide readily-understandable technical information to help extension workers respond to farmers' questions on how to grow and manage trees for householduses or for local markets. Although the manual is, for the most part, a technical reference, it must be emphasized that...
  3. 1997-01-01 It is anticipated that this book will provide a useful reference text for all those concerned with selecting and growing trees and shrubs in rural areas of developing countries and in the more tropical parts of Australia.
  4. 1993-01-01 The aim of this series of publications is to bring together published information on selected genera of trees (Acacia) which have the potenital to increase the supply of fodder for ruminants. Each booklet summarizes published information on the fodder characteristics and nutritive value of one...
  5. 1997-01-01 These publication contains 33 papers submitted by workshop participants, the working group reports, and a list of recommended priority tree domestication topics for southeast Asia. The papers presented here include profiles on international and national domestication programs in Southeast Asia as...
  6. 1995-01-01 The major aims of these handbooks are to document the useful tree and shrub species of the region and to provide information to subject-matter specialist, extension workers, institutions and farmers on species that have production and conservation potential for small-scale farmers in the region....
  7. 1991-01-01 This book provides guidance for the introduction and evaluation of woody perennials for use in agroforestry. By woody perennials we include not only trees, shrubs, and bushes, but also palms, woody grasses, such as bamboos, and climbing plants, such as rattans. This book is primarily concerned...
  8. 1994-01-01 This handbook was published with the hope that it will be widely used by extension, education and research institutions in order to foster interest in the growing and management of a wider range of tree and shrub species as part of the development of sustainable land-use systems in Tanzania.
  9. 1993-01-01 The aim of this series of publications is to bring together published information on selected genera of trees which have the potential to increase the supploy of fodder for ruminants. Each booklet summarizes published information on the fodder characteristics and nutritive value of one genus,...
  10. Key Resource 1993-01-01 Part I deals with the relationship between trees and people, and the threat to trees posed by social, economic and political factors. Part II focuses on multistorey farming, an economically sound cropping method used in many tropical regions. The annexes provide useful tables on food and fodder...