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166 items found (Showing 1 - 10)
  1. Key Resource 20-01-2011 Over the past 30 plus years that we have been working with small-scale farmers in Central Africa, we have enjoyed the wonderful lushness of its forests, savannahs, and rivers. In addition, we have been privileged to get to know some of the many people groups, with their different cultures and...  
  2. Key Resource 29-03-2021 Cultivating plants, sharing seeds and cuttings with neighbors, and seeking better crop varieties are as old as agriculture. We use the word “nursery” for places where we care for and nurture things that are precious and vulnerable, like children and plants. Creating habitats to grow healthy...  
  3. Key Resource 01-01-1976 This Peace Corps book provides information on the challenges of grain storage including drying methods, insects, rodents, moisture meters, and waterproofing. No page numbers, illustrated 2 copies  
  4. Key Resource 01-11-1987 This 505 page book is an exceptionally exhaustive source of information on tropical and subtropical fruits. It is a well-illustrated and very readable, practical guide for those interested in growing tropical and subtropical fruits either for the home garden or commercially. The fruits are...  
  6. The phytosanitary legislation are basic laws granting legal authority to a national plant protection organization (NPPO) from which phytosanitary regulations may be drafted (ISPM5 Glossary of phytosanitary terms). The establishment of a phytosanitary system therefore presupposes the existence of...
  7. This Resources highlights onion diseases such as: Botrytis brown stain Sclerotium bulb and stem rot Bacterial Soft Rot Slippery Skin and Sour Skin Xanthomonas leaf blight Mildew Black Mold Blue Mold Rot Smudge (Anthracnose) Downy Mildew  
  8. Unsafe food threatens public health and undermines food security at local, regional and global levels. The benefits of extensive development activities targeting food insecurity are drained away when food products are contaminated. Microbial and chemical contaminants are of particular concern, as...  
  9. Since 2016, theFood Safety Network(FSN), a partnership betweenUSDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service(FAS), theU.S. Agency for International Development(USAID), and theU.S. Food and Drug Administration(FDA), has provided developing countries with the tools and training to reach international...  
  10. Parent page Adopted Standards (ISPMs)