Sanitation and Human Health Resources
This is a list of resources that speak especially to issues of sanitation and human health.
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- 2013-07-20 Abstract, , 2013 This field-tested, six-day curriculum responds to community development managers', program planners' and behavior change officers’ need for a practical behavioral framework that strategically aids them in planning for maximum effectiveness. This curriculum, originally adapted...
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Disabled Village Children: A Guide for Community Health Workers, Rehabilitation Workers and Families
- 2016-01-20 This case study describes the community of a small village called Ingotse in Kakamega county in western Kenya. Like most rural, food-insecure communities in sub-Saharan Africa, Ingotse village relied on rain-fed agriculture for production of staple crops. Farmers in this village raised some funds...
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- Achieving the goals of Feed-the-Future and theGlobal Food Security Strategyrequires careful consideration of the impact of relevant climate science on agricultural production, while at the same time considering other cross-cutting issues that influence agricultural growth, poverty alleviation and...
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- Chaya grows easily in Cambodia Chaya (Cnidoscolus chayamansa or C. aconitifolius) is a perennial plant that grows easily throughout Cambodia. Many people know it by the name “spinach tree”. If left alone, a Chaya plant can grow to be a small tree about 4- 5m high. By pruning the plant, it grows...
- Abstract: World Journal of Medical Sciences, 2016 This study investigated the phytochemical contents and nutritional profile of Cnidoscolus aconitifolius leaf collected from Abakaliki Southeast Nigeria. The phytochemical, proximate and mineral content analyses were done using standard methods,...
- anamed would like the information in this booklet be distributed as widely as possible. We encourage users of this book to translate it into local languages. However, because the contents are constantly being updated, please consult anamed first. The copyright of all translations remains with...
- Speed read Researchers develop a low-cost, biodegradable larvicide to fight Aedes aegypi Its active ingredient, thyme essential oil, is contained in a corn starch shell When in stagnant water, the shell disperses the oil that is lethal to mosquitoes Industrial Crops and Products Volume 136,15...
- 2016-01-20 Great strides have been made in improving sanitation in many developing countries. Yet, 2.4 billion people worldwide still lack access to adequate sanitation facilities and the poorest and most vulnerable members of society are often not reached and their specific needs are not met. Moreover,...
- Philip Hunter, EMBO Reports (2012)13:193-196 The idea that infectious disease during childhood affects the developing brain to impact intelligence has been around for decades. Recent evidence from more rigorous studies, which have controlled carefully for...
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