1. 01-01-2016 84 pp. : ill. Governance of Tenure Technical Guide 8 [ Gift of Dr Abram Bicksler Jan 24, 2023 ] This guide aims to support states, community-based organizations and civil society organizations, the private sector and other relevant actors to take proactive measures to implement the standards and...
  2. 01-01-2008 This paper begins with a presentation of the legal framework and methods of producting information about land in Benin, before moving on to look at the complex modalities of determining, recognisingand 'translating' rights in rural and urban areas (the Rural Land Plan and Urban Land Registry). It...
  3. Abstract, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 2020 December There is increasing interest in agroecology as a way to move toward more sustainable agriculture and food systems. However, the evidence of agroecology's contribution to sustainability remains fragmented because of heterogeneous...
  4. In a continent where 70% of the population depends on agriculture, secure access to productive land and natural resources should be an unassailable right for all. But that is far from the case. Customary governance of farmland, forests and pasturelands by traditional community leaders has been...
  5. Thie document summarises the discussion, highlights areas of consensus, and identifies the progress made in addressing the very diverse settings within which land resource rights need to be secured. It concludes with a statement of key recommendations to the Commission for Africa on actions that...
  6. 07-01-2007 This paper outlines the procedures for gaining access to land ownership through land titles, and discusses their limitations. It is based on elements of two pieces of field research undertaken between June 2003 and May 2005.
  7. The author looks at two different areas of concern - the fundamental need for and effectiveness of titling, and the uneven impacts of formalisation programmes, especially their potentially negatvie impacts on women. She explores these concerns in this paper and suggests some key steps which cn...
  8. Property rights exist at many different social levels (individual, nuclear or extended family, clan or tribe, larger group, etc.), and at different levels of “formality” or official status. For example, an urban property may have an individual owner and a government-issued (formal) title. For...
  9. In broad terms, land tenure rights are often classified according to whether they are “formal” or “informal”. There can be perceptual problems with this approach because, for example, some so-called informal rights may, in practice, be quite formal and secure in their own context. Despite these...
  10. SUSPENDED - In many countries, land rights and land governance systems are weak. Rights and claims to land are often undocumented and overlapping. Demand for land is rising, fueling competition, conflict, and increasing barriers to access for some groups. Evidence suggests thatUNDERSTANDING,...