1. How to create an alternative, low-cost water storage cistern for irrigating small gardens How to make a minimum tillage garden How to run a Farmer Field School with your neighbors How to prevent Newcastle Disease which kills 70% of chickens annually in Africa How to create a bio-intensive deep...
  2. 20/07/2007 Bio-Intensive Agriculture (BIA) is a kind of organic farming rooted in maintaining soil fertility/ living soil. BIA is called Bio-Intensive because it maintains a natural biological balance between soil, nutrients and plants. It employs crop rotation and intensive planting to maximize harvest...
  3. 20/01/2007
  4. 20/08/2004 The absence of financial savings and credit access is widely cited as an obstacle to poverty reduction in the rangelands of east Africa. The well-known successes of microfinance initiatives in many parts of the world hold out the promise of scaleappropriate financial services for people...
  5. Given that the majority of the rural poor keep livestock and that markets for livestock products are rapidly growing, supporting smallholder livestock production and marketing can make a significant contribution to the livelihoods of the poor and offers substantial scope for expansion to...