1. 01/01/2000 This booklet appears in a series of Agrodoks published by CTA and the Agromisa Institute in Wageningen. Agrodoks provide practical information on small-scale sustainable agriculture in the tropics. Until now, the Agrodok series has generally focused on subjects that are directly related to the...
  2. 16/11/2022 Session :Everyone becomes a manager whether they want to or not; whether it's a small committee or large business. And yes, it even applies to working in agriculture!
  3. 20/09/2000 Fallow management Nutrient banks or nutrient access Buhid shifting cultivators adapt land use Analog forestry Regenerative analog agroforestry in Brazil Marketing of forest and agricultural products Sustainable agriculture on the forest margin Livestock and forage management in stablising...
  4. 01/01/2018 Stephen M. R. Covey shows how trust—and the speed at which it is established with clients, employees, and all stakeholders—is the single most critical component of a successful leader and organization.
  5. This is to help readers become a more effective manager. Tabbed sections, each with page numbers
  6. 01/01/1986 One of the notable accomplishments of this book is its combining specific economic analysis with a grasp of the entrepreneurial force in business prosperity. For though it discusses "what to do" more than Drucker's previous works, the book stresses the qualitative aspect of enterprise: every...
  7. 01/01/2002 In this book, Paul J Meyer reveals the distilled essence of 50 years of meticulously chronicled leadership study and experience. He has lived it out.The book inclear, concise language details the tried and proven steps for authentic leadership. 176 pages
  8. 19/01/1980 This guide has been conceived and written as part of the efforts of the World Health Organization to help its Member States to reach the social target of "Health for all by the year 2000"
  9. This book describes how Heifer Project International plans, manages, and evaluates its development program. This model can be especially helpful to non-governmental organizations and grassroots organizations who want to learn how to do sustainable community development.
  10. 20/01/2004 The area of management may seem foreign to many agricultural development workers, but good management can be an effective ministry. Most people spend the bulk of their hours under someone’s management. There is no greater opportunity than that provided by management to make a positive impact on...