1. Edible Portion:Fruit, Leaves, Vegetable It is a low bushy tree 8-10 m high. The leaves are long (14 cm) and narrow (4 cm). The leaves are thick and slightly shiny ontop. The flowers are large (2-3 cm), rounded and produced on short stems on the branches. They occur singly, or in groups ofthree....
  2. Edible Portion:Fruit A small tree up to 7.5 m tall. It has several branches near the base. Trees loose their leaves at some times of the year. Newshoots have short brown hairs but older wood is smooth and shiny. The leaves are long and spear shaped with short leaf stalks.Around the edge of the...
  3. 01 جنوری 1988 This book is a comprehensive guide to all aspects of growing and marketing custard apples. It combines information based on neww research findings and established growing practices. Sixteen pages of colour plates have been added to this revised edition to help readers identify pest, diseases and...